More fun than driving a fast car slow

What's Russian for "Hold my beer and watch this..."?

As Steve Jobs would have said, "You're holding it wrong."

Because Florida

It's all fun until they realize she's out of treats, then it's time for the Holy Gand-grenade. Brother Maynard!

In tomorrow's news, Comcast acquires a majority stake and replaces the steam towers with lenses, creating death rays.

While I don't like the sound of this, I'm curious how much it will actually reduce competition. How many markets actually give you a choice of Comcast or TWC right now? Here in our part of Austin, the choice is Time-Warner or satellite. After this goes through (if it goes through), the choice will be Comcast or

A remarkably detailed sculpture for a prank, but the piercing they used to attach the chain brings tears to my eyes.

All it needs is a cameo by Danny Trejo.

Never mind the car, I'm more impressed by its appetite for engine blocks!

Is that because you can't afford a radio to hear the closure notices? ;)

I don't think thet thought it through at all!

Ah, the F-111 - responsible for more Australian air crew deaths than most opposing air forces combined since WWII

Now playing

Ask an Australian what they think of Cane toads.

Oh, and the best part? TxDoT started spraying de-icing material on the area bridges yesterday morning, but neglected to warn drivers that the de-icing material itself is slippery. The result: a dozen or more wrecks before Snowmageddon even arrived!

It's not even safe to walk to work - the footpath is no protection from that out-of-control F350 Dually.

Austin traffic has only two states: Formula 1 and Formula D

Now playing

What it was, was football. (Andy Griffith, 1953)

Now deploying Smooth Jazz.

I'm on record as a bona fide Nest fan boy, so naturally I had to get a Protect. Imagine my disappointment when, instead of greeting me with a welcoming blue glow, it simply sat there and beeped at me every sixty seconds like a dumb smoke detector of yore. :(

I see someone played "Trinity" back in the day. :)