More fun than driving a fast car slow

Apparently liability insurance is cheap in the Netherlands.

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Ah, zinc oxide. Such an under-appreciated compound.

Did you watch the news report? This is a last line of defense - all the other traffic had already stopped because they were actually paying attention to the multiple STOP signs that this moron has ignored, so there was no other traffic around to rear-end him when he (finally) slammed on the anchors.

Everyone knows the major mountain passes in that region, but just grab yourself a road atlas with decently-large scale maps of the alpine region, and just go where you see nice squiggly lines. There are very few bad roads when you have time and a free car!

It's a tough life, huh? ;)

Can you imagine the longitudinal torque on that thing? Every time you crack the throttle, it's going to try to bury the left-hand foot peg into the pavement.

Things I've learned today: Maserati uses laminated glass in their side windows.

Oh, please, it's a stupid effing rule. The whole point of high beam is to see where the hell you're going!

"Hold my Akvavit and watch this!" Apparently the US doesn't have a monopoly on rednecks.

He'd better hope they never hit anything, because with his harness adjusted as badly as that, he's going to be looking at some serious internal injuries, if he doesn't just submarine out of it completely.

The US could use some hard-hitting PSA like those produced by the Transport Accident Commission in Victoria, Australia. One of their most memorable spots addresses the dangers of drowsy driving: "Kombi"

Driving down the wrong side of the freeway would have to be right up there on the "most dangerous" list. Doesn't happen all that often, but when it does, it almost always ends very badly.

Card readers at the pump have not caught on Down Under for some reason - you still pump your gas then walk inside to pay by cash or card.

I'm going to agree and disagree with this one. True, the stalk combines multiple functions into a single control, but until you get used to it, it's no more or less intuitive than steering wheel buttons. And once you've used the buttons for a while, you develop muscle memory just as you do for a stalk. Furthermore,

I think you meant "Chevbrolet Tahbro"

Seems like brilliant marketing to me - sell your morons, I mean customers, nearly 6% less horse piss for the same money simply because it "looks cool". I imagine 0.7 fl.oz. times however many million cans they churn out in a week will more than offset the extra cost of the cans.

"D'ya think the Secret Service would let you ride if I told them there are hookers in the trunk?"