More fun than driving a fast car slow

Ah, but part of the reason for meters is to limit the duration of your stay. Public street parking relies on constant turnover - if there were no time limits, then there would be no constant supply of spaces opening up throughout the day.

Yeah, I think it would be more accurate to say "BOTH your mirrors are missing." A single missing mirror could just as easily be attributed to a third party, but if both are missing, then it's probably safe to assume that the driver either knocked them off him/herself, or doesn't care enough to get them replaced.

"Ever notice how everyone driving faster than you is a lunatic, and everyone driving slower then you is a moron?"
— George Carlin

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The Victoria, Australia, Roads Authority produced this PSA a couple of years ago. Sounds like #10 to a T.

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For another take on the same premise, check out this progression from age 1 to 100, from the BBC documentary series "The Human Body". Warning: full male and female nudity.

What's Turkish for "You drive like an asshat?"

Well, duh, Stratos!

Aussie Rules footballers cover around 12km (7.5 miles) per game.

I'm not sure that classifies as a "save".

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Not exactly infrastructure, but it was demolished by the Oregon State Highway Division: the infamous exploding whale of Florence beach.

These things should be freely available in the US, with the caveat that anyone using them automatically waives any and all insurance coverage. The gene pool could use a little spring cleaning.

And to think, they probably would have gotten away with it if it hadn't been wrong-wheel-drive.

Apparently some folks are unclear on the concept of an estimate. Plus it came from "one of the officials" at the scene - probably a cop or tow truck operator, neither of whom could be considered an expert in Hyundai pricing (or math, for that matter).

Couldn't have said it better myself.

All the world hates a spammer.

Times change, as does society's awareness of other people's sensibilities. Ayers Rock in Australia is another example - the local people have always considered it a sacred site, but this was not widely publicized or respected until fairly recently. Back in the day, tourists would ascend "the rock" in their droves -

Headed by a picture of Jezza and James in Sydney. Because, you know, New Zealand is just like Australia but with funnier accents.

Just bring back the Cool Wall. QED.

No problem - don't watch. I'm sure they won't miss you.