
He’ll be taking hand-offs from Colin Kaepernick in the unemployment line.

Shocked. Shocked to find that a man who was so good at trolling Trump was just because he knew exactly the kind of man Trump is: the same as himself.

So what you’re saying is, she’s unable to sing by herself.

Lol, published half an article without a headline, you think they care about accuracy?

the first woman to ever have three songs collaborations charting in the Top 10, for three straight weeks,


Yeah, their algorithm based feed killed Instagram for me, from an engagement standpoint.
I still use it to edit/post/archive my own photos, but in terms of scrolling through the feed, almost zero, as I have seen almost all of the “Top Photos” on Facebook already. 

These days every lifehacker article is a dumb article. I’m struggling to remember the last time I saw a piece of advice on here that genuinely even qualified as a life hack. Even if you drop that requirement, the advice they give is evenly split between objectively wrong and so fucking vapid that the most basic bitch

Well, that’s a dumb Lifehacker article. I don’t have Instagram, I don’t use stories, I prefer to snap pictures to people individually to show things and not clog up their storage in a text thread, nor keep it permanent. Also the only milestone to snapstreaks is it will do the 100 emoji, the “special emoji” is for top

Yes thank God he does. Liberals suck.

Yes and get used to it Asshole. He’s there until 2024. Dummycrats have zero ideas and zero credibility. What’s Hillary’s latest excuse for losing? Having her period?