
I’m sure facts will come out soon. But felonious domestic is on a whole other level then misdemeanor....I can’t tgink this to be to fake cuz of the charge. It’s a big charge. And tbh I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of felonious domestic. Most crimes on cops or live PD are misdemeanor. But what do I know

Well they did say he was the anti trump. I just didn’t think he was gonna go this hard in the paint that quick. Especially when the poll results came out this week he was at 0% for 2020. I don’t get this guy 

I dunno. There’s 32 teams. 3/4 wont want the headache. 1/4 teams will pay & have a headache. At the point I just want to see where he goes next season

If it’s .5x then I don’t. I’m so torn on this. One pundit is all for it with great points. One pundit isn’t with great points. I guess it will all come to a head after FA. Either it’s Gurley $$$ or bust. And if it’s a bust he just wasted 14+ mil

What would that accomplish? Why would it be every males responsibility to stand up for every woman?

That’s an excellent point

Gotta love one woman to another, just go ahead and die. That’s the spirit.

Great mommin right there

I don’t get her schtick...

This is sort of like me. I have IG but I barely use it. Also the difference I see with ig & snap is that if I post a story on IG it goes to my already 1000+ “friends” to see. With snap I get to pick and choose my friends. I get to pick and choose my friends with OG too but I’ve had it for years and follow random

I dunno maybe cuz it didn’t happen. Did you even think about that? Guy on opposing team claims racism. His own teammate said no. But you don’t believe the teammate cuz he’s black & trying to what; be some Uncle Tom Richie savior? Get out with that crap

Europeans less racist than Americans...HAHAHA that’s hilarious

Sorry. Leena Dunham is not important. At al. By any means

Yeah no crap. Peak tv is a good way to say it. Watched the show 911 cuz it looked cool. Yeah. It was awful. Angela Basset is apparently the only cop in LA. So dumb. Will be cancelled soon. Sucks cuz I wanted it to be good. And I never give up on shows this quick. But that one was brutal

Prolly 75% of Blake throws are garbage yards from always being down in the 2nd half.

I tweeted I believe Dom C a few weeks back & said I think a lot of this has (no had) to die with Blake’s baby momma being preggo. It was a well kept secret that a friend of the girl had told me. Well, they had the baby yesterday...

Sometimes y’all smart AF then every once in a while y’all dumb AF..,literally throw something away that you could

You know what just pisses me off more than anything? I have had iPhone since the very first one...just make it to where we can change our own battery. Have an extra. Do whatever the F we want with it. It’s so annoying. Especially now when ya read something like this and follow it closely woke you must be

What I didn’t like was that EW basically slut shamed her & didn’t even realize it. She got raked over the coals on Twitter. Warren needs to be smarter than that & get with 2017