
ā€œto pursue a career in nursing.ā€

Yes. I can second everything you have stated. I remember when Gabby Giffords got shot at that supermarket. One person came out of the grocery store not knowing what happened. He taught shooting. He said if he had started shooting, he would have wound up hitting the wrong person. When experts say stuff like that, theā€¦

Iā€™m sorry. Sometimes I forget where I am.

I keep forgetting. How much weight does misogyny carry?

Yeah, Susan, the idea is to progress without The Actual By God Blood-in-the-Streets Revolution. You want Trump picking some Supreme Court justices and pushing the entirety of progress back by a couple generations?

We got to meet Mrs. Jarvis and Peggy & Sousa finally got it over with! That's all I needed, but fun fun season. And Wynn Everett was amazing and every show needs more Ken Marino.

Stonehenge was much larger than first thought? Well crap - that'll REALLY throw the measurements off!