
My guess is that owners feel that since this is a stock car, and a family sedan at that - and not a modified Mustang - and that all they are doing is stomping on the pedal and going, they are hardly taking a risk. They probably do it on the streets, all the time.
But the car is modified. By Tesla, in their insane push

He is, or should be a paraya. Some porn stars go to nursing school, for a career. But should these schools ask? I’d say the odds are zilch that any hospital would hire them. Too much liability? How long would a nurse who killed 2 guys, at 17, last in a hospital? Any schools that accepted his money would be thieves!

And HOW to drill!

I’d love an electric boat. But I’m too old for a speedboat. I’d be fine with a slow pontoon boat, to just putter around on. But... people will pay big money for sexy!

A question - you complain that ‘Black’ should be capitalized, but say nothing when White isn’t. Fair’s fair!

That’s an easy one. Other convenient conversions - 300kph= 200mph. OK, it’s only 186, but close enough while watching a race. For you wannabe Butatti Autoban drivers, 400km= 250.

I like the color. I’ve been looking at 2yo cars online. Most are dull, dark colors! This, I hate to say, pops! And most companies have that one odd color. Like Rusty Orange? And worse, they may only be available in Asia!
What I don’t like? Big grilles. This one isn’t horrible, but still. It’s a look for youthful

What can’t I buy a Tesla MY with? MONEY! I was set to sell my 3 and get a Y - and they dropped the base model for the dual motor. For $10k more! They lost a customer on that dick move! I’m sure Musk is crying...

I agree. Our Lexus sales guy knew all the answers, which is tough - because they aren’t studying up like a shopper would. He made buying a pleasure! (but then, he was also the sales mgr).

I agree. Our Lexus sales guy knew all the answers, which is tough - because they aren’t studying up like a shopper would. He made buying a pleasure! (but then, he was also the sales mgr).

The only way to solve this ‘problem’ is to lease the cars for the first 2 years. When the contract is up, the car is yours.
This whole endeavor sounds like a fool’s errand to me.

I didn’t think that was a load bearing wall.

The fast and the furious.

Studies show trained cops, in the heat of the moment, hit their target 18% of the time. A civilian - or a teacher - will have a much poorer average!
Thanks for the data on ‘good guys with guns’. Interesting numbers.
Talk may be cheap, but sometimes - it’s golden.

Most women are raised to be too accommodating. And we love them for that. But too many guys take advantage of that. And I’m not just talking rape. It’s many things, from being creepy to being pushy and sulking to get their way. We’ve all likely slept with someone just to change the direction of the evening. Or to get


Don’t get too excited. There are plenty of worse examples to choose from, to add to the Swam Creatures.

The point isn’t just broken wheels - it’s the new draconian size restrictions. And they measure at the wheels - so this takes a couple of inches off the size. And that may be important!

A horrible wreck. The worst of the bunch!
If anyone wants a little refresher on falling - Last winter, I was rebuilding my deck. On my hands and knees, I put my weight in the wrong place and fell. The beam I was working on just collapsed with no warning. At first, I didn’t understand what was going on. I suddenly felt

Thanks for that shot. I saw the crash on the news, and it was horrible! And I suspected she hit the front brake too hard, and was starting to rotate before she hit the curb. She is so far out of shape here she’s screwed! Her butt should have been over the rear axle, stopping that hard. And maybe it was, before she got