Gnollton Gnash

Darn, I know it wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea but I really liked the Nevers.

I appreciate the effort, but a lot of these are definitely in the “check with them first” category. Like, if the person is a player and not a DM, they probably don’t need the ones that include DM rulebooks, DM screens, minis, terrain, maps, etc. I mean, maybe they do if they enjoy reading that stuff, but they might

Are you really full on in the comments talking about who will return for the third season before you even watched the finale?? a corpse?

The best part of Andor was in its smallest moments - the musicians warming up before the funeral parade does so much work in grounding the scene and making this feel like a real world that people live in. One of the great advantages of making a multi-episode series rather than a movie is you have time for little

That amounts to a giant so what. It’s not developed or communicated in the film.

“ Admiral Holdo’s invocation of the Force in The Last Jedi was rendered by Laura Dern as a nod to the character being in some way Force-sensitive herself, but explicitly not a Jedi.”

I mean, the space was already there. He just shrank it’s audience, surely?

Pretty sure it’s “take the rains”, though I was never sure how they were going to take them down to Africa in the first place.

Not only is Cameron going to spend the rest of his career obsessing over Avatar; he’s also going to spend it jerking himself off about how awesome he thinks Avatar is.

Disagree with him about Thanos - maybe some shots weren’t as well finished as others, but there was never anything which pulled me out of the story because it was glaring. And Brolin - in my opinion - doesn’t move his face much anyway, but still manages to emote a ton, which I felt worked with Thanos.

We now have indisputable confirmation that a media giant suppressed the truth because it could harm the democratic party, and Giz’s main commentary is “Who cares, the files are booo-ring.” I’m astounded at the vapidity. Fucking astounded.

I hate the way this story is written that we should be sad for Blizzard. Way to lick that corporate boot. The article should have been focused on the win for workers. “Blizzard Employees Win Historic Union Vote” there I did your job for you.

Yeah, I’ll see it. I won’t pay to see it, (which is probably the more pertinent factor in question here) but I will see it.

“..he knows you’ll watch it.”

Some animated sci-fi movies that succeeded:

Not sure why it makes sense for everything except the swear words to get translated into English.  Food is called food, ships are called ships, galactic basic doesn’t have invented words for everything.  To me it only makes sense to have invented words for things that don’t actually exist in real life, like

adults swear.

I say this really honestly: It always surprises me how there is this big cultural slice of people, a minority, but a large and distinct group, who is really, really, put off by swear words. In ways that seem inexplicable to a lot of people.