Gnollton Gnash

Linda, hey total aside but: I really disagree with a lot of your thesis, but I want to give you serious kudos for engaging in the comments section with genuine intellectual integrity and openness. Like we’re not going to agree, but I agree that you are an honest broker of your ideas. 

Honestly, I think what you’re suggesting in just getting rid of every single distinction between every single “race” is even worse game design, but that’s a whole other discussion.

Because orcs aren’t human? Or even real? Orcs were created by an evil god for evil purposes?

I agree if you are saying “race” but not species. I mean mind flayers eat the brains of sentient creatures for pleasure and sustenance. Can these be anything other than “evil.” And if you then go and say “well they shouldn’t do that, or at least it should be a choice” then aren’t you changing the whole point of a type

Ernie Gygax and Justin LaNasa are bigoted scumbags and their company reflects their values.

Star Frontier is a game set in space, that involves aliens (bugs, blobs, all the standard stuff). Trying to work in stereotypes about humans just seems like doing trying to do extra credit work for your bigotry.

Jeebus. I have fond memories of Star Frontiers back in the day, and what the leaked version describes is like a Nazi parody of what I remember. Truly appalling.

How so? We literally saw this happen in the episode.

It was fine, but we probably won’t be dining on that crowd again.

We knew more about the crew after 2 episodes of SNW than we did in 3 seasons of DISC.

I love this. I’m three seasons in on Discovery and just can’t get into it, but I’m over the moon about SNW and this just makes it better.

Netflix snapped it up, so kids can enjoy Teletubbies until Netflix abruptly cancels it for no apparent reason.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt might’ve had an off-again, on-again relationship with a public desperately trying to sort through Tina Fey’s politics, but Titus Burgess is here to stay.

You want to make me happy? When you make “improvements” stop taking shit away that I enjoy using. They’ve progressively been making it more and more of a pain in the ass to access individual subreddits. There used to be a quick “alphabet line” on the right where I could hit the letter to skip down to that letter in my

This smells a lot like “we figured out how to force feed you more ads, but we’re going to call it an improvement”.

As an Irish I was just disappointed when I looked up the actors and none of them were actually Irish. If you’re going to make them like Leprechauns then can’t some Irish actors at least get the work?

Well unlike Rings House of doesn’t wheel out offensive Irish stereotypes, so that’s a big point for GOT

I read the article over on Kotaku (which goes into a bit more depth), and while most of the fluff sounds like pretty standard scifi stuff (with the substitution of ‘wizard’ for ‘advanced humans/aliens’ being the perpetrators of the uplifted animals/slave race), some of the accompanying artwork REALLY looks like it’s

Comparing it to the Tuskegee experiments is asinine. Those had nothing to do with soldiers or the military. Literally the only thing that connects this to anything related to African-American history is that these are sentient flying monkeys and that “monkeys” is a racist pejorative for black people, and that’s hardly

You know what’d be fucking great Instagram? If I could just get my feed in chronological order.