Gnollton Gnash

DC does the human/metahuman distinction. Marvel tends to call anyone, powered or not, human unless genetically distinct (mutant, inhuman, etc)

Chevy Chase doesn’t have Chevy Chase energy anymore.

Jimmy Fallon would have been completely insufferable as Fletch.I don’t even want to think about the Ellen Degeneres version.

Thank you! That’s exactly what I thought. In order, the following happened:

1) Wong portals Blonsky out of there, maybe not for the first time and they fight
2) Shang-Chi and Katy see it live. Someone else captures it on film
3) Bruce (as Bruce and with hurt arm) and Carol talk to Shang-Chi
4) Bruce (as Bruce and with

I took the final scene to mean that someone leaked footage of abomination at the fight and it made it to the prosecutors, or it was leaked online, but that the actual events of Shang Chi had happened a while before. 

Your definition of a “great meme” differs drastically from mine.

I just hope they don’t make it creepy between them.”

It seems like, while these streaming companies have metrics that they can quantify what brings in new subscribers, they have dick all understanding on how to keep the customers they have. Getting rid of content is a quick way of making people leave the platform, especially people who only have it for the niche

“Good news, everybody.”

I did not like the extended format. Not sure why, but the episodes that went much over an hour dragged more than a bit and seemed like they could have used some more judicious editing.

It really does seem like HBO Max/Warner is suffering from new-boss-itis, where all of the in-progress stuff gets canceled when a new boss comes in.  A common occurrence in Hollywood, mostly because bosses are idiots and think “OK, this thing that was launched by my predecessor...if it does badly, I’ll hear about it,

James Gunn telling people to “calm down” about Peacemaker sounds great until you realize the guys making Batgirl probably thought they were fine because the movie was done.

sources referred to the movie as “irredeemable” after test screenings.

Like acting in general, sometimes the name value is just that, but sometimes the name value is actually quite perfect for the role. Tom Hanks’ folksy charm is not just window dressing for Toy Story, it’s necessary that we have a built-in likeability “Oh hey Tom Hanks, I like him, what a swell guy!” factor for him at

No funny moments? I laughed heartily at Patrick squirming when confronted with his anti-semitism, Nathan’s physical comedy in his ‘dad’ role, the madness of the aging mirrors, th absurdity of the ‘emotional rehearsal’, planting zucchinis like carrots, the sticker on the bell peper and Nathan’s reaction to it and more

The part about Patrick’s phone dying reminded me of a naive person not being willing to believe that they are, in fact, being ghosted and that the other party has just blocked their number. That kind of self-lie seems very in-character for Nathan in this show.

At least they look like the characters.

This is outrageous.

How about commemorating all of the hard working real life meth dealers, Albuquerque? How about them?

wait... you think that a man who is accused by his brother to have married a gold digger who is after their grandfather’s inheritance goes on a trip with somebody else’s grandfather to dig up literal gold only to unwittingly end up inheriting part of the gold he helped dig up from that stranger’s grandfather less

Why such low grades? This is a remarkable show.