Gnollton Gnash

Marvel Studios hates comic books

So Todd McFarlane is willing to turn down a sure thing (a streaming series), in favor of something that’s never going to happen (an interconnected franchise)?

It is definitely weekly. Jerry and Gene are always talking about Nebraska football and college football is played once a week on Saturdays. Plus Gene is shown training Jeff to quickly navigate to twenty different sections of a store - that is something that isn’t going to happen in the course of a week either.

I support making Namor and Atlantis into sci-fi Aztecs because that kicks ass and looks awesome.

The thing about the Mesoamerican stuff being changed from being Greek? It’s not gonna matter. The Grecian roots didn’t really matter to Namor’s origins, and I doubt anyone thinks “this is and must be Greek” when they think of anything Namor-related (that’s more Aquaman’s thing).

I do appreciate this article Linda, especially the parts where the Wakandan text was translated. I wonder who the actual villain is. I’ve seen enough movies to know that there’s going to be a third party that stirs shit between Atlantis and Wakanda for their gain.

Take a breather, Racism Bot.

Phase 4 rhymes with phase 1, but also explores alternate versions of what the heroes know to be “true” via the multiverse.

...the montages are one of the most complex and stressed over sequences in an entire season.

I don’t think that’s Wakanda. The pyramid in the background of the opening scene looks Aztec rather than African design. With Namor played by a Mexican actor and looking to have a pre-Columbian aesthetic himself, I’m guessing MCU Atlantis is/was off the coast of the Yucatan peninsula, and that’s what we’re seeing here.

now i really hope they do. god forbid we go one second without a butthurt nerd.

why not? just curious, i thought he was perfectly fine in MoM

I don’t think Krakoa will ever fit in. Hickman’s wild ideas have kind of broken the X-Men for now. He pushed his wild, world-changing ideas so far that if they are kept in continuity, they can’t help but completely change the entire planet so that it is no longer “the world outside your window” and can never be so

“In the comics, this was especially egregious, since superpowered people save the world with a reliable regularity that mutant discrimination feels even sillier.”

I can’t stand what they’ve done with the X-men in the past decade or so. First they tried to replace them with the Inhumans, and after that failed because the Inhumans are fundamentally hard to relate to, they started writing the X-men as if they’re the Inhumans for some reason.

Oh, wow, I didn’t know there was an even more annoying form of content generation than posting a trailer and then writing a paragraph summarizing said trailer. Now in lieu of facile summary we get facile “analysis” instead. So glad someone else watched this 3 minute trailer and then took the time and effort to inform

I was thinking about how Thunderbird died for being redundant to Wolverine. Why not cast a First Nations actor for the MCU Logan? Thunderbird is still pretty low on the list of mutants to be adapted despite The Gifted, & instantly killing him would be terrible optics. Wolverine’s amnesia could be metaphorical to

I didn’t dislike the big twist, but the entire thing was telegraphed pretty early in the episode when Christina’s roommate describes her nightmare.

I had fully expected that Bernard had woken into the future of what we thought was the current timeline. So the reveal that the ‘current’ was all a flashback wasn’t as big a surprise. That said they still played it well - much better than a lot of the twists the show has tried to do. 

Fortunately, my I keep getting messages that my PC isn’t Windows 11 compatible, otherwise, I’m sure it would auto update some day..