Gnollton Gnash

It’s May 1st. You're a month too late for this.

Well, I suppose one person’s “earnest” is another person’s “mawkish, forced, and completely lacking in substance”.

Things I never thought I would say: Chet Hanks was an inspired bit of casting.

Not that this is the intention...but maybe the whole idea of being in foreign territory for our main 4some is why we are getting anthology episodes.
The sense of alienation with these side stories where we, the audience, are now outside our comfort zone, are doing our best to find theAtlanta” vibe we can recognize

I dunno, I disagree that this fell flat. It revisited a lot of themes that have popped up in the show before (the desire for minority culture as long as you have the ability to contain it or escape from it at will being the big one) and I thought pulled them off pretty well from the jump. Miles can listen to his

It's a shame how the powers that be have gutted this site so badly.

Great article about a great episode of a great show.

No, the dumbest retcon is still all the weird stuff they’ve done to try and make the “Kessel Run ten parsecs” line a Real Thing in the continuity, rather than just accepting that it was Han Solo saying a bunch of bullshit to try and wow who he thought were Outer Rim yokels.

Or why the robes someone would wear while living in the desert become the uniform of the entire Jedi order, regardless of location/climate.

Also: “People hate when I do this.”

“Arseny went so far as to send me an exquisite video of himself dumping what appears to be a can of High Life into a pitcher.”

Oh can’t you...?

(Not a lawyer but I have done some research on the subject)

So you’re saying... it is Mephisto?

As the disclaimer in front of every episode mentions, it is a dramatization, which means that where the data doesn’t match the arc of the story they’re telling, the arc of the story takes precedence. (This is also true of almost all documentaries, by the way! Once you start arranging and curating a set of facts to

I’ve got to admit, I was one of the ones annoyed by yesterday’s slideshow, but I figured more than enough people were piling on already. No need to add my two cents to the mix.

Yeah, I find this show breathlessly entertaining. And I think multiple episodes ads up to more layered, compelling characters. Jerry West’s “character” has calmed down now that he is not coaching, validating his brace decision to put his own mental health and marriage ahead of coaching. Magic’s “character” has

...It’s Drearily Dull.” Which is exactly what you would expect Kareem, as depicted in Winning Time, to say. And then he says it in real life. 

The casting is phenomenal. And it’s definitely not boring.