Gnollton Gnash

So you sexually harassed your coworkers?  Ya, good you worked when people looked the other way.  Creepy though that you admit that. 

Critical role is doing great work and all, but when talking about classic D&D villains, maybe quote their description in the actual setting they originate from? Vecna has been shoehorned into many worlds, but originates in Gygax's original Greyhawk setting.

Fun Fact: Gary Gygax was a big Jack Vance fan and based the DnD magic system on the Dying Earth books (the system has been mostly rewritten these days but...) including things like Prismatic Spray and the Robe of Eyes. Vecna is an anagram of Vance. Gygax and co. did that on Purpose.

Lick boots

I mean, yes, fans shouldn’t be toxic or have expectations ruin things for them.

This just in: director of Movie A says Movie A good.

Even if this is great, I suspect the best movie I will see about the multiverse this year will still be Everything, Everywhere, All at Once.

imdb’s got Fogler listed to return for the final leg of this bloated mess. This show’s cast is waaayyy too big. They should’ve killed off most of them years ago. Negan, Princess, and a couple of the other newer characters are the only ones I even enjoy watching. And there’s no narrative tension with Daryl and Carol

And, really, we could leave it right there (Maybe for good! That would be nice!)

Predictably, fans all over the internet are climbing over each other to say that Marvel does not owe Joe Casey anything. After all, he signed a work-for-hire contract. So now, without a thought for the gap between law and decency, they just want him to stop complaining.

It sucks that so many bootlicking losers like you exist in this world and keep everyone down.   

Quit complaining 

The US’s entire history is stemmed from oppression; to steal from “the other” and to gain from it all. To take pride in the country’s history, while proclaiming to denounce racism means having to own up to your beloved country’s actions. And no politician wants to do that AND part up with their money.

Unlikely theory: homage to the Dude, who we never actually see bowling.

Honestly Soong getting on the board isn’t silly at all they explain it clearly - he donated a shit-ton of cash. He may be disgraced but all signs point to him still being incredibly wealthy (his house, his lab, etc.)

I think Renee may be a distraction and Kore is the real timeline changer.

She’s pretty clearly a supporting character, it’s pretty bizarre to care this much about a secondary role.

Gotta love how this supposedly revolutionary technology has been around for over a year now, and so far its done absolutely nothing except overcomplicate the process of saving a Jpeg, make video games less fun (“play to earn?” how about I play to enjoy, dumbshit?) and of course, vomit out a staggering amount of

The keyword there is “including.”

May 26, 2022: “Here are the next five theatrical Star Wars movies and the directors who will be making them.”