Gnollton Gnash

I think you have to accept that Euphoria is as much as fantasy world as Middle Earth. It makes that stuff go down a lot easier.

I disagree with the position this review takes. Outside of the Zendaya-focus showcase a few weeks back, l thought this episode was the strongest of the season.

People that fell for NFTs also fell for a phishing attack? Shocking.

Okay, if owning an NFT is equivalent to owning a piece of art (or at least something real), then trying to sell a stolen NFT should be difficult, right? No matter who you sell it to, it still belongs to the person it was stolen from. You could only sell a stolen piece of art to a collector who would have to keep it

The apartment thing: It’s very quick and I’m betting a lot of folks didn’t catch it, but the landlord does say “rent’s due [whenever], cash only”, the implication being this place isn’t exactly above board. He’s got a month to figure it out...

As far as the world forgetting’s certainly sloppy and could have

I get that characters have arcs but the two leads were so awful and unrealistic that I just couldn’t after a couple of eps

It only seems a bit weird for a show to be cancelled mid-season because we’re used to streaming services at least running the full season. Network shows are known for doing that kind of stuff - axing a show after a pilot episode or several episodes in, kicking the show to a “death slot”, and so forth.

The Snyder Cult really doesn’t have any sense of media literacy...

It baffles me how people regard Marvel’s 20-something film, genre-hopping, interconnected franchise as safe and formulaic when everyone else that tried to copy them failed abysmally.

I’d argue putting millions of dollars into a movie starring Captain America or Thor or Robert Downey Jr was very much a huge risk.

Repetitive?  From the guy who named three movies the same thing?

No. Stop. Stop it. We know. American New Wave directors don’t think they make movies like they used to. This is not a story. Stop trying to make this a story. We know.

The reason this is dumb is not that he’s wrong about most movies being samey; it’s that it’s not a new criticism, has always been true of movies, and has always been true of all media of any kind. Making innovative art is hard, has always been hard, and will always be hard; people generally want art like the art

I get what he’s saying, and even agree with him to an extent, but, like, who cares? I simply don’t bother with films that don’t appeal to me. I’m not out there saying all films should be what I want them to be.

The twister episode (“East/West”) was by far my favorite.

It’s waaay too early to worry about this imho. We’ve had basically two shows; The Mandalorian - good. BoBF - not so good.

You do realize JJ Abrams was involved in Justin Lin’s Beyond right? He produced it. Just like he’s doing with this one. So this is the exact set up as Beyond - no need for your hateboner for JJ Abrams to rise up.

A Pig in a Quiet Place. Seriously, that director has a big career and he deserved a nomination for Pig!

Honestly it’s kind of hard for me to get mad at the NYT for not letting you guess racial slurs in Wordle anymore. When “slave” and “lynch” were the words of the day (and they were both going to be), don’t you think they’d look bad on social media? I get why they wouldn’t want that.