Gnollton Gnash

This review is ironically deeply unempathetic which fits considering this TV series is all about losing empathy.

Travis is pretty on-brand for a 90s troubled teenage guy. I don’t think he’s the “best” or “worst”, he’s an accurate portrayal of a dude from the era who’s not internally enlightened enough to know how to fix himself and doesn’t have outside sources guiding or forcing him to improve.

“The intelligence and wounded sensitivity Thatcher conveys in her eyes don’t sync up with Lewis’ more hardened stare”

Acording to Tyler, the bombings weren't his idea, but some of the other kids going rogue while he was incapacitated, IF you believe him. He's hardly trustworthy, but the show did introduce some doubt.

The only person who could have done this is Natalie Portman, and even that wouldn’t be a great idea. Mara feels far too spiky.

He just… kind of punched his way out, then blew some holes in the monster with a wrist-mounted flamethrower. It clearly took a toll on Fett, who must now sleep in a bacta tank to heal,

Why does it differ from the old one? Probably because the old one sounds stupid.

So far, the biggest question is why Boba Fett even wants to be crime lord of the outer rim.

As a sidenote on bad stuff in this episode, while majority of it was so boring for me that I didn’t really find myself caring at all, there was one scene which was so hilariously bad that I am still cracking up laughing about it even now.

He was hit by a car right before that fight. Also he’s not dead. 

You are a miserable fuck who hates joy. Someone has to tell you this.

*Bruce’s snap

I like to think that those people reappear on the boats or aircrafts, rather than in the middle of the air or above the ocean.

I mean, I’m sure a lot of extra people died due to the sudden disappearance of 50% of people (doctors mid-operation, caregivers leaving helpless people abandoned, pilots mid-flight, etc.) but

Florence Pugh is pretty much A-List these days so I don’t think it’s so much of her being ‘wasted as a side player’ but rather that Marvel are getting a bit of extra advance promotional work out of her for her role as one of the new Avengers.

I would watch an entire show of Kate and Yelena riffing off each other.

They’ve had actors in multiple roles before; Sersi in Eternals was identical to Minn-Erva in Captain Marvel with a different skin color.

Reviews of Spider-Man stuff leave me feeling like I’m the only person in the world that likes the team up aspect of the MCU version.  Will Spider-Man ever get a solo outing?  YES! He had five of them already!  Spider-Man, setting the 90s prevalence of Wolverine aside, has always been the ultimate buddy superhero,

Once again, I’d like to say that Constantine is a great little movie. It really is a shame that the purists have deemed the choices made in adapting it too extreme for them to embrace it fully.

This is, again, just a new variation on the Marvel business model of extended universing.