Gnollton Gnash

Its centered on white women who flex their white privilege, please, let's unpack how using 'Karen' is destroying white women everywhere.

Crypto enthusiasts argued that forcing people who aren’t processing trades (miners) to report customer data to the IRS would squash the industry.

White Guy Starts Hosting Search, Concludes He’s The Best For The Job, Blindsided By His Own History Of Lawsuits, Decides Best Course Is To Mansplain Accusations From Women

Nothing says “I didn’t do what they said I did” like a $7.7mil payout.

He’d better be in the clean room, making those goddamn chips with his own hands. 


Probably because Firefox quantum was shit, all the old useful add-ons became incompatible with it, but they made updating to quantum mandatory for everyone.

the concept of exclusively “male” trees being planted in cities in order to rob urbanites of free fruit from “female” trees may sound a bit ridiculous to you, because they are.

both are fantastic reasons to stay with a car or a dog

Stop it Claire. Please, just stop.

The Canadian politeness?

they voted overwhelmingly in favor of a direct connection with their managers and the company.

Get fucked miners.

Cry me a river.

The Segway had a lot of long-term influence, despite being a weird failure. Look at all the battery-powered scooters and skateboards and bikes and (self-balancing) hoverboard things that did not exist at the time and probably wouldn’t exist in the same forms today. Segway showed that battery powered vehicles didn’t

I remember the hype campaign well, and I remember well the disappointment when the miracle product was revealed to be this expensive toy scooter thing.

I’ve been following Zack’s reviews for over a decade, and if he of all people doesn’t “fundamentally get” Rick and Morty, then the show is fundamentally ungettable. 

Idk, I loved this episode. Loved the continuity with the incest baby of all things, loved the framing device, loved the divergence in how Morty and Summer differently take after Rick. Also given how beautiful and chiseled those Go-Tron transformations were, somebody on the animation team had to be happy like a pig in