Gnollton Gnash

Please tell me they had actual Legends writers cameo for the Bud-Stuy writers’ room.

I would urge you to consider how the conservative political bias of the Wall Street Journal might be manipulating facts to provide background support for a particular narrative here (i.e. one that the economic... life support... and recovery bills have been a net negative on our economy). The “but inflation” argument

I’m glad they didn’t kill Taskmaster in this movie. After Batroc ze Leapair died a stupid and uncharacteristic death in Falcon & the Winter Soldier I thought the MCU just really hated having jobber-type antagonists.

You must have really liked that vampire one.

In the pop music world, yes, that’s quite ancient.

No, the implication was that all the other Lokis died. The Old!Loki was a variant because didn’t die, but the TVA didn’t notice him until the first interacted with something as that was the first time he affected the timeline.


Hack filmmaker gets his Star Wars spec script rejected, goes on to make half-assed rippoff of Star Wars (and its sources.) Fanboys lose their shit because they’re idiots.

That scene is as chilling now as it was 30 years ago. Also hard to believe Goldstein is Pvt Vasquez from Aliens

Just remember; next time you read an article about the ‘sanctity’ of the Olympics with regards to events like Skateboarding or Bowling, the ‘sport’ of “Letting a Horse Carry Your Ass Around” has been with us for more than a century.

What I’m saying is, fuck that shit.

I realize there is a certain amount of skill involved with forcing an animal to do all the hard work. I guess since they compete, it’s a “sport” but this seems a lot less about the triumph of the human spirit and will, than literally every other Olympic sport. Maybe I misunderstand the Olympics.

Ah, the Blue-Collar Noo Joizey hero...

There are no poor equestrians.

We’ve been restricting freedom to protect corporate profits for a very long time now. The protection of intellectual property rights pays lip service to protecting the little guy but has always been used as a weapon against the "consumer". This is capitalism working as designed.

leveraging the awesome advantage of having incredibly rich and famous parents into a career sitting on the back of a horse while it does stuff in a “sport” that no one watches or cares about

I didn’t read the book, but the show seemed to work far better in standalone episodes than as a continuous narrative. The larger mythos never seemed terribly coherent, nor all that necessary.

What are you talking about? He looks amazing! He sells it.

is everyone dogpiling him and demonizing him really the best way to end his problematic viewpoints?

Rogan is a buffoon but I’m not sure his periodic interviewing of a section of far right twerps is even close to as normalizing or destructive as CNN, MSNBC, Fox News et al. constantly covering Trump and his cohort, even if critically. And, to his credit (gag), Rogan does bring on a hugely diverse cross section of