Gnollton Gnash

I love how the article tries to insinuate that it was terrible that she took a week to respond to this manufactured controversy. Y’all ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

Ellie Kemper was crowned in a ball that had semi-well known KKK roots when she was 19. It came out again this week (since it was previously known), a couple of GMG sites tried to make a thing out of it,but it blew over because people recognize it’s not the story we’re being told it is.

I know the internet loves to do the whole, “You know that thing that sucks? Actually, it’s good! Trust me!” nonsense a lot. But the Super Mario Bros. movie? Really? Has it really come to this?

It was less slurring and more a lateral lisp that comes with an ill-fitting set of dentures (not veneers).

I really don’t get how a tidier resolution is more satisfying. Erin died because:


She went up there and shot Tony Soprano.

I kind of presumed some would push back on the Ross kid being guilty of the murder, but while watching while it was unfolding, so many fragments of scenes earlier in the series started to make more sense, because without the context, they were just odd and curious. I didn’t think it a cheap twist especially given how

Times change. Stakeholders will now need to address streaming vs. theatrical release in their distribution contracts. Previously, they expected a percentage of the box office, now, they’ll simply need to include some sort of payout if it goes to streaming early/instead.

Hi again. Please change the io9 page format back to it’s previous iteration. That is all.

The last opinion that’s gonna matter on these is someone that hasn’t eaten fast food in 3 decades. I want a connoisseur.

The order you eat them in will also have a huge impact.

Bah, delivery chicken that’s been sitting around in a pile is no way to test these things. 

Star Wars fandom is so toxic that fans have to mention Star Wars constantly even if there’s no way it relates to anything. Yes, we get it, you liked The Last Jedi better than the other two, nobody cares.

She’s right up there with Meg Ryan for “naturally beautiful face that would have aged gracefully” turned plastic surgery disaster. A goddamn shame, when will people learn.

I would bet these are not Cajun like we would define Cajun flavor. It’s something that was marketed to SK as Cajun to suit their taste while also evoke an “American-ness” with some hint of Cajun flavor.

Didn’t they just bring over sauces that are available in SK? And possibly these are the sauces that BTS agreed were their favorites?

I’m no paleontologist but I don’t see it. What was the sudden and catastrophic event that helped to create this fossil of several creatures in mid meal? Wouldn’t such an event frighten the creatures into flight? Having the remains in close proximity could have just been happenstance of the event.

Paranoia of course.

Paranoia of course.

one of the pitfalls of loving the kind of music I do leaves me utterly and perpetually unschooled in anything not written by a dead german dude or dead harlem junkie.