The last opinion that’s gonna matter on these is someone that hasn’t eaten fast food in 3 decades. I want a connoisseur.
The last opinion that’s gonna matter on these is someone that hasn’t eaten fast food in 3 decades. I want a connoisseur.
The order you eat them in will also have a huge impact.
Bah, delivery chicken that’s been sitting around in a pile is no way to test these things.
Star Wars fandom is so toxic that fans have to mention Star Wars constantly even if there’s no way it relates to anything. Yes, we get it, you liked The Last Jedi better than the other two, nobody cares.
She’s right up there with Meg Ryan for “naturally beautiful face that would have aged gracefully” turned plastic surgery disaster. A goddamn shame, when will people learn.
I would bet these are not Cajun like we would define Cajun flavor. It’s something that was marketed to SK as Cajun to suit their taste while also evoke an “American-ness” with some hint of Cajun flavor.
Didn’t they just bring over sauces that are available in SK? And possibly these are the sauces that BTS agreed were their favorites?
Paranoia of course.
Paranoia of course.
A cowardly move that makes one wonder why he made the statement in the first place.
The film is meant to address the quintessential question from Yahoo! Answers:
Supervillain Harvey Weinstein Teams Up With Supervillain Private Equity Company To Make Life Shitty, Not Just For Weinstein’s Victims, But For Innocent Bystanders Some Of Whom Are Famous Celebrities
one of the pitfalls of loving the kind of music I do leaves me utterly and perpetually unschooled in anything not written by a dead german dude or dead harlem junkie.
I went through the exact same thing and did not regret it nearly as much as I thought I would.
That you think the follow-up question to “I like Jay Z” being “Which Jay Z song do you like?” is a “gotcha” question implies a belief that follow-up question are inherently gotcha, meaning almost all journalism that goes beyond pre-prepared responses is offensive.
And since that’s the case, go fuck yourself.
See, now…
That he’s inauthentic? The difference is you probably dont go around saying youre a fan of Jay-z, right? And if you did claim to be a fan you could at least name some songs you like, or your favorite album, anything. Dude’s a phony
reminded me of
An interesting show that Disney would never make: “How does a former revolutionary acclimate to working within the new government, one that is making compromises on the values it fought for, in the name of peace? What does it mean for governments to wield power responsibly and ethically? Is that even possible?”
Same. And Gina Carano has the screen presence of a brick, imo.
I still think it’s weird they wanted to make a spin-off series about Cara Dune to begin with. It’s not like she was that interesting of a character. What was the show going to be about? “Like The Mandalorian, we bring in fugitives with bounties on their heads, except we don’t wear iconic armor and we don’t have a Baby…