Gnollton Gnash

The worst part of the night was when he was basically trying to blame Asperger’s for his behavior. Dude, being on the spectrum doesn’t make you act like an inconsiderate asshole. Being an inconsiderate asshole makes you act like one. 

There isn’t a clear cut answer to why it started going down.

As a Jew, I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.  He didn’t say anything anti-semitic and condemned hate speech.  What do you want him to do?

*The Nevers nervously tugs on its collar*

You’ve just described bread and circuses to nerds.

Said this on io9, but I would like to have seen him at the very end. Not saving the day or interacting with Wanda at all, but coming in after she left.

Mid-Credit scene (after Monica and the Skrull, but before Wanda sipping tea and learning magic):

A hand knocks on a door.

Agnes, trapped as Agatha, opens up: “Helloooo.

I think they need to rethink it entirely. Like drop the wings as a permanent thing (make them an accessory he uses sometimes), shift the color scheme and design closer to the Captain America suit. As is it reads to much as “Falcon Captain America” rather than “The Captain America”. Comics wise it did exactly that, and

Gonna tell my kids this was Cyberpunk 2077.

Have to say, if Madripoor is around Indonesia, there are an awful lot of non-Asian faces in the general populace....


White supremacist propaganda vs. people opposed to it = “dumb culture war”

I get where you’re going with this, but it really needs to be “on the shore of a dark Scottish lake many miles away” for your allusion to have the synchronicity you’re looking for.

This is my problem with all the backlash-to-woke whining you see so often these days. It’s not like good points don’t get made, and I’ve got enough problems with woke Twitter myself, but most of the time it masks a much deeper feeling of entitlement which just seems like the result of being too rich and too famous for

I always wonder how these people square their worldview with the fact that It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia has run 15 years and counting.

Counterpoint: this douchey show sucked and his using the term PC invalidates his opinion 

Just because the sequel trilogy was bad does not retroactivity make the prequels good movies.


I’d argue that Captain America and Thor both coming out the same year and both being successful is what secured the MCU. Especially given that in ‘08 they failed this one-two punch when Iron Man succeeded, but The Incredible Hulk stumbled even though, as you say, those movies had lead actors who were very well known,

Leave it to Ray Fisher to make this all about him. Does he think his situation is even remotely in the same ball park as what happened to George Floyd?

And nobody’s calling him out that he thinks his gripes about his inconsequential role in a movie compares to someone actually dying?