Gnollton Gnash

I don’t think I’ve ever gone from uninterested to hype so quickly before. This looks really fantastic.


I fucking hated Avatar at the time, so it’s a testament to the excellent writing in this column that I actually kinda want to rewatch it now. 

I think what’s been disappointing to watch is that, in everyone’s rush to pretend that Joss Whedon was never their favorite creator and that they always hated the Avengers movies, etc., people felt compelled to lavish praise and attention on Zack Snyder’s Justice League.

This feels like a best-case scenario, right? “Hey, I didn’t realize the harm I was causing, but now I do and I’m genuinely sorry. I’m hoping we can all learn from my mistake and do better because it’s important.”

You may have missed something critical:

I’m just here to help wonder where the movie 2-6 uniforms are.

I’m just here to help wonder where the movie 2-6 uniforms are. AKA the best uniforms.

As someone who has been dealing with this half of my life.. uh, crap. (Sinusitis, sinus surgery, allergy shots). I think I’m alright? I mean I definitely have issues where sometimes if I don’t write a thought down of something I need to do/say/buy it’s gone. And sometimes I walk into a room and forget why. But I

whats that, elon musk oversold something??? thats out of character.  for all this is doing it couldve just been made a pedestrian tunnel.

Yes, I'm extremely happy you did Hughes's work for him.

The Prestige might be my favourite film, let alone Nolan film, but at this point it’s reached Jackie Brown levels of being always described as ‘overlooked/underrated/might actually their best work’ despite most people agreeing.

I just want to take the time to mention this little quote from the Hollywood Reporter article covering this (

That doesn’t really track. A Wrinkle in Time came out March 2018; a week after it came out (when it was already tracking to do poorly), they announced DuVernay was directing New Gods. A year later, they announced King was writing it. For “because AWIT tanked” to be the reason they’re pulling it now, 3 years later,

Sometimes, I have to disable my ad blockers for some reason or another, and I always find myself shocked by how the web looks with them. Pages take three times as long to load, jumping distractions everywhere, every bit of white space infested with shit just waiting for an errant miss-click. Once you go adblock, you

13. Load it up with ad-blockers and make Gizmodo readable.

Their contract was for like ten seasons or something. So... not close. 


They are all proxy-terms to hide the conspiracy theorist’s antisemitism. Listen to them blathering long enough, and the mask slips and you see that’s the root. Nothing new under the sun.

Microsoft limped along releasing XP and then Vista. It tried but failed to match Apple’s mix of aesthetics and cool. Once wifi became ubiquitous, you were far more likely to whip out a Macbook than a Thinkpad.”

Are you insane? I am 100% agnostic about OS’s, and use MacOS, Windows, Linux, etc. on a daily basis in my