Gnollton Gnash

Sure that isn’t the route I expected Black Widow’s solo movie to go down, but dammit I’m still gonna watch it.

And this is why guys who get all squirmy and scared whenever the topic of #MeToo comes up should always be suspect.

In fairness to the Simpsons...the AV Club doesn’t really cover ANYTHING, anymore.

So the Ava Gardner-canoodling producer is for sure Robert Evans—the legendary “kid stays in the picture” story is about the movie The Sun Also Rises, in which they costarred

Correction: he used to have super strength, then a temptress cut his hair, which robbed him of his strength, and then she handed him over to the Philistines.

Lol, the Asian woman’s line about there not being a name for a parents who lose a child, is lifted word for word from Six Feet Under s01e06, when Brenda says the exact same line after hearing about the death of a 6yrs.

Oh yeah the prevailing view from Twitter is that new Cap looks like Carl Fredricksen

Lol, yeah... but TO THE MAX! Also, it’s four hours long.

honestly though, I dont think being a star in this franchise would have helped his career with either cut.

Lois and Bruce hooking up while they thought Superman was dead isn’t a rumor, it’s a central part of the next two movies that Snyder had storyboarded out and released images of. Lois becomes pregnant with Bruce’s child and then lies to both Bruce and Clark and says Clark is the father. When Darksied shows up Clark

Only three.

She’s going to dispatch the most heavily armored sailing ships in the Royal Navy to lay siege upon any port city that dares offer them shelter.  

Since colorism is systemically inflicted on darker-skinned people, it feels imprecise to call this a “colorism scandal.” If they lightened her skin, that would be a colorism scandal. Basically, I’m holding out for the production team’s response to this one. It’s obviously uncomfortable, but if everyone involved was

If you want people to take your unhinged rant seriously, you really need to end with “EDKH!”

Kama Sutra’s Indira Varma.

No, they mean Rome’s Indira Varma

I’m ready to be proven wrong, but I’m not sure Dottie is going to turn out to be anything. I get that she’s a genre actress we all recognize, but I kind of think it might just be a case of a minor actress getting a minor role on the show.

Here’s the pic in case you don’t want to go to Reddit:

You got a click from me for the title alone.