Gnollton Gnash

Chicago style is a casserole, not a pizza, don’t fight me I’m correct

Alright, AV Club. Cards on the table: how big of a check do I have to write you for you guys to never do the “here’s a bunch of inane chatter from idiots on Twitter disguised as an article” thing ever again?

It is a dumb idea, but it’s exactly what an abuser would do, and to some degree it would work because people would in fact turn on her. Not saying he would come out ahead, but misogyny and slut/victim-shaming are powerful.

When exactly will the new radicals kick his ass in?

Probably why he kept specifying “standalone.”  Those films weren’t.

He drew a giant Star of David on the window of a jewelry store and misspelled “Jewelry” so it said “Jewery.” Those things don’t seem like coincidences.

I think it’s more poor choice of words than malice. She’s a neo-burlesque artist, she doesn’t have a press secretary.

I’d be surprised if we saw Darcy Lewis in Love’n’Thunder because it looks like being quite slanted towards the cosmic end of things, and Darcy remains resolutely earthbound.

Definitely my favorite episode so far, mostly because of how amazingly well it was paced and how deftly it interwove with the previous episodes while still delivering new info (like how the “show” doesn’t show many of the amiss points). Seriously, when the episode ended, I was gobsmacked that 20+ minutes had passed.

I was a little frustrated with this episode because it mostly told us what we already knew from a different angle, and IDK how necessary that was.

All of which could easily be dealt with by counting your money.

I read it as a (sloppy, poorly worded way) of saying what was going on didn’t constitute fraud?

Is that what drunk people are like? I should have let my dad know when he was screaming at me for eating his potato chips.

Pop music isn’t dad rock.

Why isn’t this a half hour NBC sitcom?

I think you might want to actually read about blacklisting if you think it has anything to do with the completely pretend modern concept of “cancelling”. (“Pretend” in that canceling is not actually a thing. Check out Mel Gibson’s new movie trailer on YouTube right now or the review here on the AvClub for Casey

I understand where you’re coming from, but also think it is important to remember the history and the horrible disservice done to Bernstein and the other blacklisted writers. 

What a shame that a talented writer will first and foremost be known for the blacklist controversy. The blacklist was one of the worst things in which Hollywood has ever been involved, and that’s really saying something. R.I.P.

Murray always insisting on doing a roll call for only three people really does track with Palmer saying “everyone clapped" when it was just one dude.

It’s become more culturally acceptable for a man to reject fruits and veggies, whereas traditionally, females have been the family caretakers and more likely to engage in specific nutrition behavior.