Gnollton Gnash

Chris Elliott as Luke Skywalker. The level of clueless snark he could add to the whiny early Luke would be amazing.

Au contraire! While I've never heard of this one either, the 1984 version was screened widely across the country and is still remembered fondly by those of a certain age. It's not quite up there with, say, the Hockey Sweater, but it is well-known.

I wouldn't go that far, but I do agree that it was the weakest of the three so far this season.

I like the Happening unironically, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

I'm looking forward to it too. I felt that season 2 was a huge improvement on season 1, actually, and didn't find any of it a slog to get through (unlike parts of the first season).

So… Agent Carter has basically become Fringe? Very cool.

Yes, and as of this episode BMO refers to himself in male terms. It's kind of rude not to accept that. It's one thing to say that his gender is fluid. It's quite another to call him he/she/it when he's clearly expressed which gender he identifies as. Next episode, who knows?

This entire episode he clearly identified as a boy robot. Who are we to gainsay him now, just because he expressed his gender differently in the past?

His. BMO identifies as a male.

Joe is such a git.

Not a fan of this season so far. The action has been great, as usual, but the plotting leaves far too much to be desired. The Eeeevil Enemy has been handled laughably and the Shocking Twists! have all been telegraphed horribly. Hopefully it picks up, but several episodes in I give it a grudging B- (for old time's

It's as others have said here. The premise and occassional flashes of a better show were interesting enough to keep me watching, despite some eye-rolling indulgences along the way. It wasn't until the getaway scene that everything about the show clicked together in a satisfying way, though.

That action sequence is what made this show for me. I forgive all the other silliness for that alone.

On the Canadian TV curve this show is an A++.

I thought it was pretty good, considering. The scene where Daniel Levy uses bottles of wine to explain his sexual identity was among the best I've seen all year.

I'm pretty sure Jake just gave his little speech because he didn't feel like going on an adventure.

Thanks for the article. I don't agree with all of it (who does, when alignment is involved?), but it's an interesting approach and well thought-out.

I am saddened to learn that a) regular Black Sails coverage has been dropped and b) I am no one.

Xtapolapocetl was robbed.

Flind bars are delicious