
Nah everone does it. This is my spider horse. Its called a Arequid

Hey thanks a lot for playing our game! Pax East gave us tons of feedback on the gameplay that we'll be sure to take into consideration. It gets very hard to judge difficulty when you've been working on the same fight for hours and know all the tells and tricks.

I'd argue that it's lack of attention to quality. For instance, you have a line break right in the middle of your second sentence.

This is the way I felt when I first made a Snoop Dogg Mii on the Wii when it came out in 2006. I set it loose upon the MiiVerse, and felt a deep sense of shame, as if I had stolen Snoop's very soul and tarnished it with my electronic doppelganger.

Vastly underrated and bombed badly.

Civil War will be Tony and Steve fighting over what the ultimate fate of Bucky Barnes should be. It's heavily implied that Bucky was responsible for the deaths of Stark's parents, as well as many others throughout the century. Stark wants to see him punished, Steve wants to save him and undo his brainwashing. There's

I can tell *exactly* when it happened and *why* - and strangely enough, it was again a matter of avoiding cruelty.
Firstly, I have to set the real world scene; During the time that Michael Grade was Director General of the BBC, and publicly saying how he hated Doctor Who with a passion for looking so cheap among all

I have been a vegetarian for 34 years and it takes a certain amount of discipline because 1) it's a hassle, from having to read every ingredient on a can of soup to negotiating the inevitable eating out questions (always tell the host as soon as the invitation is made to give them a chance to back out) 2) I still get

Its the "Lady Cassandra pizza" that gets me.

Oh, that's one of my favorite movies specifically for the effects! I love Harryhausen's stuff.


You shut your damn mouth sir.

Doctor Who - The Lazarus Project

I know that's part of the charm of Who, but every time I watch this episode, I can't help but see this scorpion monster that looks ripped from a PS2 game.

Boo this man.

And here I thought leopards where always spotted.

Lucky for the leopard that the prey didn't turn its head, or he could have been impalaed.

"Is it just a stuffed animal or is it a symptom of the degradation of our collective sanity? Ha ha ha who knows? Ha ha ha."


Granny Goodness

Um, Sue Storm. Obviously. I mean she defends her kids from like Galactus level threats on a regular basis. No other mother consistently protects her children from that level of danger