
This is rapidly becoming the Three Body Problem.

JA Bayona should not be advertised as the director of Jurrasic World Fallen Kingdom, dude has some legit gems on his resume. The Orphanage and The Impossible are absolutely worth visiting if you haven’t 

So you are saying 71% of people spending someone else’s money prefer the overpriced option. 

I did like when he scared the shit out of Sylvester in “Hide and Go Tweet” though. (That phrase takes on new meanings in this age)


Guys, Tom Happ is a super nice guy. I’ve met him a couple times at conventions, I’ve seen the documentary (very good btw) about Axiom Verge, and I’ve purchased the game six times now for various systems and as gifts because I love everything about it.

This dude has been fucked over, and fucked over, and fucked

Which isn’t creepy, because 22 y olds are adults. If you’d started dating her when you were 22, that would be creepy.

Mush-mouthed hackneyed softball questions is a brand? Who knew?

Also this!

Comcast’s decision to bring cold hard cash to the table is a bold move that can’t be ignored.

Time ran backwards until Jesus was born. Duh.

Or, they just hate minorities.

Please.. here’s the real murder ball:

Just because you don’t understand what the words mean doesn’t mean they don’t mean stuff.

This wasn’t about keeping the con safe for attendees. If it was, props wouldn’t have been allowed in the first place. This was all about a bunch of cowardly little piggies freaking out after one out of 50,000 individuals made anti-cop statements. The cops weren’t protecting the people, they were protecting

Some Count of Monte Cristo shit there man.

More than just in it - he directed it, too.

Found this out from Ron Perlman’s Instagram this morning. I met Bill fleetingly during an Aliens reunion at a Canadian convention a few years ago. He was the one cracking jokes and keeping everyone grinning during the photo sessions, and at the panels came across as someone determined to enjoy every moment of the

Man Gravity Falls took a turn.