
An excellent trick, since Dredd started filming months before Raid.

I read it as Stabboy, which is probably more true.

I read it as Stabboy, which is probably more true.

My daughters both loved Ghosts in the House by Kazuno Kohara. It’s not scary but the graphic look of the book is really appealing. It’s great for 3-5 year olds and tired parents since it’s pretty short.

There is only one source for my political DnD, he even calls GOPDND “fake news”

Oh my god! That song is part of my childhood vocabulary.

Aww, I loved Maurice, I even respect his taste in graphic novels.

I love her albums, but what really hooked me was the video for Many Moons with its android auction.

Here's a fascinating essay by a comics expert who says that although Batman is his favorite superhero, Spider-Man is the best.

I'm a bit conflicted about Interstellar, since it obviously tried to do as many practical fx as possible, yet some of the worst shots in the movie were obviously practical. Those useless exterior GoPro style shots and the messed up scale of the docking shot really pulled me out of the illusion, whereas the cgi shots

Is it though? If the Nazca lines weren't there, I doubt anyone would care too much. It seems like more historical destruction, which if the Taliban has taught us anything, is equally upsetting.

I watched it in 3d again fairly recently after suffering through the dvd. I don't know how, but when watched in 3d, it transforms from an ugly duckling into a glorious firebird.

Problem, is that practical fx have gotten 10% better, while cg has gotten 1000% better (plus cheaper). It's all about the shots chosen by the director though, hopefully not too many sweeping continuous camera shots.

As a 3d artist, I'm impressed by the way the characters always feel huge, but what blows my mind is the amount of large scale volumetric smoke and dust in every shot. The density of the atmosphere really shows off the size of the creatures, especially on that first fire blast.

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Don't forget about season 2 episode 11 of Hannibal

I think the difference is that Hobbit isn't really a prequel, it was just filmed in the wrong order.

This was an interesting aspect to Forever War. Mandated homosexuality for population control had become the norm, and heterosexual soldiers returning from battle were viewed with suspicion since it had been decades since they were last on Earth due to the time dilation of faster than light travel. It was an

The first Mieville I read was Perdido Street Station. I liked it so much that I've read almost all his other work (including Dial H), even though none of it ever reached the same giddy weirdness of Perdido. I would also recommend Perdido because it establishes the world of Bas-Lag, where so many of his other stories

I don't know if he considers it an inspiration since he directed that as well. He seems to be the go-to director at Sony Animation now.

I think you're not caught up with the Moon Knight.