
I'm certain I would be happier if I could watch movies without discernment. All I can do now is make sure that all my kids know of the prequels comes solely from Clone Wars.

Even worse, he gave me something I loved and then gave me something else that makes me not care so much about the first thing. That's quite an achievement.

All the previous nudity was mostly unnecessary, this one is important to the story. It shows Cersei going from powerful to powerless, and reveals just how little support she has in King's Landing. I'm not exactly sure how else you can accomplish this. I don't mind them editing out rape whenever and wherever possible

Although a lot of serious stuff went down in Winter Soldier, it definitely didn't have a grimdark tone. Both the sunny outdoor shots and the humor in many of the situations saved it from feeling hopeless. What's to quibble over though? Which of the 2 fantastic movies we love best?

I see no real reason for humanity to trust him. Remember the tesseract powered weapon in Avengers that Shield was developing for dealing with super powered threats? The military in MoS would be working overtime to deal with Superman. After seeing what he did in Metropolis, I'm on team Luthor.

No, Blizzard has always had their own cinematics department.

The new movie is similar, and possibly worse for ninja origins.

Compelling to watch and adds some diversity in a way that doesn't change the character.

Perhaps it's a classic, but I would rather read One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish or the ABC book to my kids. Green Eggs' repetition makes it a chore to read, and it it really doesn't feel as creative or playful as most of Suess' other works.

Wait, what about Dracula Untold, releasing in October from Universal?

Oh my god, they made a movie of Faust? I remember the comic being scandalous when I was in middle school. Has anyone actually seen this?

I think the point is that it's more the extremely moral and compassionate Kansas upbringing from the Kents, rather than the godlike power from Krypton is what makes him Superman. If you take away the guidance from his parents, what's the narrative that makes him a hero instead of a super powered vigilante? Perhaps

That shot of Stannis and Davos on the ship was kind of problematic for me. The compositing wasn't great at the start of the shot, and the way it swept up made it into an all too obvious fx shot. I love most of the fx on the show, not only from the quality of the work, but how integrated it is into the live action

I bet the animators threw away 90% of Benedict's motion, it's usually exaggerated how much of the performance they use. It's much more appealing for the public to imagine actors doing things rather than animators.

Nope, Davey Jones is 100% cg. The filmmakers were worried about the eyes until ILM showed them how much better it looked with cg eyes integrated into the character. They were also able to capture his performance on set rather than later at a moCap studio. I believe that helped a lot with how well he interacted with

Works that way for gravity, but not for wind resistance with the parachute. Perhaps his balls were bringing the Earth directly to him though.

I think that's an alternate soundtrack so it can be on youtube. The original bird was much more honky.

My 10 year old daughter thought it was kind of boring, probably because she was a big fan of Spectacular Spider-Man. Even though I was hesitant to bring her to Winter Soldier, since it's more of a violent thriller, she went with classmates for a birthday party and she unreservedly loved it. I wonder how Guardians

As a 40+ year old father of 2 girls, I read them Kevin Henkes books even when they don't ask for them 'cause I love his art and stories sooooo much.