Harvey Mushman

For me just dropping the season pass treadmill would be fine. I loved Destiny, but i hate games that lean as hard into FOMO as Destiny does. I can’t play the game without getting anxious cause i feel have to play a certain amount of time a week just to do everything, instead of playing the game because i enjoy it.

If the environmentalists can stop this, they’ll have done 2 great things for the planet: save part of a rainforest, and prevent another boring Tilke-designed circuit from being built.

I can tell you what makes my “head spin” and that’s the lack of originality it takes to take a YouTube contributor’s video, and rewrite an account of the content to attract people to your content. I don’t know what to call this practice, its definitely not being a journalist, content creator or even reporter. I guess

please, PLEASE, let this be the first domino tipping of Democrats finally getting sick and tired enough of Republicans’ bullshit to call them out forcefully for it. The only thing dipshit bullies like your average Republican respond to is being punched in the nose, period, so please let this be the first of many nose

A buddy had a Dodge Stealth/3000GT and this was an issue... 30 years ago. Or in Dodge years, still possible. 

If you are ignorant and uneducated, you can turn to Q to make you feel like you know what’s actually going on. I think the new “opiate of the masses” is conspiracy theories.

Mr. West is no more or less deserving of help than is the guy talking to his demons and living in the bushes in my neighborhood. The tragedy isn’t Delonte, it’s the Delonte along with the hundreds of thousands of others like him who need mental health help and don’t get it.

“Please fix racism for us”

Id love to read this story, but I literally cannot on the mobile site due to the amount of ads, popups, and banner things on my fucking screen.

I dont usually respect Lewis that much for his personality and tendency to complain whenever hes not winning, but god damn if he didnt pull back all those respect points for this.

Amen to that. I love how these people get on a high horse about calling others snowflakes, but they throw a temper tantrum over someone wearing a t-shirt or a Starbucks cup saying “happy holidays”.

At least Mercedes said the right thing:

Nice, Lewis! You are the greatest Formula 1 driver of all time so use that position for change. If people don’t like that, they can go fuck their conservative, racist, twinkerbelle asses. Tough shit, eh, republicans?

Shuri needs to be the new Black Panther. Full  stop.

Reasons 1-11

Some people need to spend less time on the internet. 

Awesome. I only had one scholarship going into college, and would work 2-3 jobs to afford my tuition. But I appreciated all the courses I took of black and women’s history.

He hired a stuntman to deliberately crash that car. He is known to have done a few fakes in the past, like pretending to have connected his aventador to some xbox controllers to play forza.
He’s wearing a red short for the whole thing, but the inside shot when the car crash, whoever is driving wears a black

The number of roof-top tents I’ve seen on commuters in the last couple years is just stupid.

So what we have here is a fancy new way to pile more stuff on top of an SUV in order to overland all the way to work during the week, and to the mall on the weekends? Can’t wait to see some gas tanks and Hi-Lift jacks mounted way up high for the daily commute.