Harvey Mushman

Oh, yeah. Rolling Broncos will be the new Mustang crash.

Mission accomplished.

There’s an old saying in Toledo that says, “Fool me once, shame on ... shame on you. Fool me... You can’t get fooled again!”

This is what it looks like when your bubble pops around you. Before the posts he thought he was living in a world where this is the dominant attitude and would be widely welcomed and appreciated. Now that his bubble is popped he is left to deal with reality. My prediction for the future of Petrolicious? The go to

I have given birth to none. I have fostered seven in my home. I have financially supported two Africans throughout their childhood. I am auntie to none by blood, I am auntie to at least 10 otherwise. I have pics of Japanese, Ethiopian and Caucasian kids on my mantel right now. But I take great care NOT to elevate

Perfectly good replacements for Aunt Jemima and Ms. Butterworth:

hmm, i’d say much darker than today’s Palestinian people who carry lots of Roman blood in their system; Much like Africans in todays diaspora carry some of the colonizers blood and are ‘lighter’ in skin tone.

If he’s getting Bronx support above Pelham Parkway, he’s doing good. LOL! Jokes. But seriously he’s an intelligent guy who is part of this new wave of politicians who straddle both public policy and grassroots initiatives. Which is how it should be. Finally.

Great to see! Woman have been racing in Baja and other off road races for a bit now. But this is a big shift and I applaud EE for forcing the hand of these organizations.

I remember Biden’s letter to the Chanel Miller, the Stanford rape survivor. She met the empty and unreasonable standards of courts set out for ‘perfect’ victims - in that she had literal Scandinavian, male heroic witnesses, rape kit, did the things you’re supposed to do, enjoyed privileges that usually curry favour

I think its fascinating that even 1915 people knew Birth of a Nation was racist. And it did more then glorify the Klan.  It brought them back from the grave and made them more powerful, it also created all there iconography.  Cross burnings was not something the 1870s Klan did, the film made it up and the 1920s Klan

I will always be a fan of efficiency and lightness and on the basis alone I approve of the Deltawing. I’m also a huge fan of creativity, inventiveness and the road less traveled. It wins on those points as well. The only thing that bugs me about the car is that it’s not particularly aesthetically pleasing, though my

But soap is the past.  Harley is losing so much ground to other companies who long ago realised that the market wants hand sanitiser.

These are some very salient points. I for one cannot imagine any scenario where a President Biden vetoes a bill passed by Congress for being ‘too liberal’. Our bottleneck on getting things passed right now is primarily legislative in nature because of Mitch McConnell and the Republican held Senate. And even if we

To the people who skipped the article just to come start shit in the comments, go somewhere else with your bullshit.

Michael, my life is now in complete shambles. If only I’d been able to read about this absurd but neat car of no actual consequence to the universe 2 hours earlier, none of this would have happened. I hope you’re happy.

Jalopnik is one of the very few outlets that does not agree to informational embargoes. That means that other outlets sign extensive non-disclosure agreements, agreeing to sit on information for days, weeks, sometimes months in advance, and not say a peep about it until a manufacturer’s marketing team says they can.

You don’t have to do this.

Gotta give props to dude for having the balls to call u up and open a dialogue.