Harvey Mushman

23 years worth of unpaid labor at, I assume, the SC minimum wage at not even lowest federal lending rate.

Here’s a picture of their captain

Hey, let’s talk about how G/O media are such gutless scum that they took down all of the posts across the kinjaverse about how awful the autoplaying videos are and how to contact the ownership about it.

You’re missing an “effectuate” and an “actualize”. And maybe a “paradigm shift” for good measure. Perhaps:

With Fox themselves reporting that the guy who Shep was pushing back against is directly embroiled in this (he was one of the two other lawyers Trump requited to go with Rudy), I think things may actually go the other direction.

Miller’s “Trump was elected by the American people to change the system!” Being met with Wallace pointing out that Americans elected a majority Dem House as a check on Trump was incredibly spicy for Fox standards.

Naw, Biden is far more of Hillary 2.0 than Warren. Establishment favorite, lip service to progressive policies, corporate sponsorship, old guard.

The British tabloid press continues to be one moral step below guys who sell fake insulin but the real story here is how rugby union has managed to be the most progressive “tough guy” sport on the planet.

I’m very pro-NSX, much of which has to do with that front end. The styling of so many performance cars these days are overwrought to the point of embarrassment. Do I want to drive an Aventador? Yes! Would I feel so self-conscious behind the wheel that I’d keep the windows up even though it’d muffle what I could hear

Ok, but legit question for Air Force folks - How do I rewing the 30-50 feral Warthogs that fly into my yard within 3-5 mins while my ground troops play?

Yeah, we need to follow the schoolyard rules of cruel nicknames: no matter how dumb or poorly conceived the nickname is, if it makes the kid cry, it is their’s for the rest of their life.

Yikes. I’d hate to run into you at a party.

Strange world we live in

Ive been favoring Warren since she declared, but after that first debate, Castro rose in my books. I'd love a Warren/Castro ticket. 

Only in the USA do we vet candidates for 60 seconds and then tell them to shut up when they are making a point. Why do we need MSM to do these anymore? Couldn’t Elon Musk, or Bill Gates, or the Virgin Atlantic beard bro just buy time on all networks, and give these people time to tell us who they are and what they

“...under federal sentencing guidelines he’s expected to spend the rest of his life in prison.”

Yeah yeah!

A bear in the closet. And during pride month?!?!

You’re killing me, Smith