If god didn’t want me to clean out my ears with a qtip why did he put a button in there that feels oh so so good when I hit it?
If god didn’t want me to clean out my ears with a qtip why did he put a button in there that feels oh so so good when I hit it?
Bradley’s takes tend to be shitty, so GMG might have the edge here.
I agree. She has the most Jalop spirit of this new crop.
No, they weren’t.
You know who did burn cities?
White people have burned whole Black communities to the ground, then stolen that land, and put their own cities up instead.
So, one difference between, say, a protest, a legal protest, and the activities you mention, is that no, despite what right wingers say, people…
I know people have been saying Gawker Media-G/O Media is going down the drain for at least 10 years, but the recent departures really were the death knell of these websites.
Nobody has a right to fire their gun in the air. (Which is not to say the cop should have shot him, especially without warning.)
The gameplay isn’t the problem.
Maybe they’ll add a horde mode where you defend the Capitol against false flag antifa rioters. /s
I’ve got some ideas for why that is, having played both Days Gone and Ghost of Tsushima, but my best guess is that Days Gone just wasn’t fun. It wasn’t an enjoyable experience to sit down and play. The controls were clunky and cumbersome. Hunting resources was a chore.
I’m stuck in Covid Standard Time. Today is Wednesday, March 675th, 2020.
I was out of the greys then I had the nerve to ask a very reasonable question and challenge Bradley's narrative, been greyed back out now for nearly a year.
I like it.
Confederate stans can still look at their precious hate symbols—but they have to go to a Black History Museum to do so...
Your move, Cletus!
Honestly the question I ask myself every time I hear Joe Rogan’s name.
That’s great, but who gives a fuck what Joe Rogan thinks about anything?
Does dad get upset when people tell his daughter she has a nice caboose?
I’ll see myself out...
So basically, before they even had the land, or any deals, or ANY concrete info, they were accepting money.
That’s shitty.
Because white people like white people to do well, even when they are for sure trash.
But heaven forbid there be an non-white human, burn them on the cross!
I read The Root because of Michael, straight up.
Hot take on the LS1. First time I have ever seen someone complain about the LS having “no torque”, or not revving. Granted, 6500 won’t set the world on fire, but it’s hardly disappointing.