Harvey Mushman

One of the many issues with Reddit is that it encourages tribalism. Gamers gather in places like /r/gaming, POC have spaces like /r/BlackPeopleTwitter, etc. So, if you’re a bigot, Reddit makes it easy for you to find targets with your bigotry. Of course, Reddit won’t do anything about the issue until more news

Mustang. Kristen Lee nailed it when she was still here: You spend your whole life believing all the bad stigmas about them and their drivers...

Police in a Fox 11 report state that the intersection in question has a speed limit of 15 mph

Dave Grohl is from the DMV and pays homage and due respect to all Black artistry including GO-GO. I disagree with your header as he has always been about the music of our folks with humility and reverence. Always. Idk where the privilege was presented especially since he publicly and privately gave Tony Thompson his fl

I think people have kinda come around on Alien 3, despite some unnecessarily disturbing stuff.

I admit I haven’t seen it since 1992, but I’m generally an Alien apologist: It’s a weird franchise and a certain subset of fans seem to just want everything to be Alien or Aliens, but I like Resurrection and Prometheus too!

I know it’s not your guys’ fault, but man slideshows are death. Don’t read any of these list articles anymore.

It’s not just that White people decided to take Texas from Mexico, one of their motivations was to make it legal to hold slaves. The desire to hold people in slavery is absolutely fundamental to the story of Texas, and it needs to be understood.

Come on David. What is this amateur hour? You damn well know better than that. Please tell me you were drunk or something.

We really doing this? Really? I mean we have Texas trying to take away the right to vote for anyone that isn’t white, actually seasons their food and can clap on the 2 & 4 and this is what you’re concerned with? I am all for multi-tasking but I am also for priorities and this ain’t it. Unless you have footage of her

No you’re right. This “journalism” is a full step below a buzzfeed quiz.

Yeah I’m sorry but this one is a real reach. I thought I was about to see pictures of her in the dumb ass bedsheet carrying a bouquet of nooses or whatever those pavement lickers do at parties, but this sounds like a lot of nothing. If the article was pointing out what this fair used to be then I get it but I think

There’s really not much of anything here. The headline and the beginning of the story made it sound like Erin from The Office was burning crosses and shit. Nope, she attended some corny debutante ball thing that has a racist past. Most of the US has a racist past.

Am I missing something? I see no connection other than the origins of the festival or party or whatever that would tie her to KKK leanings. If dumbass Black people wanted to join that bullshit, that’s of course their choice but I don’t see where she was personally connected to the KKK or even racism. I also think it’s

Not a slide show?

Now ... if only this would happen to every other coal-rolling assclown out there.

Journalists were arrested and assaulted across the US during the Black Lives Matter protests last summer.
The US supported politicide in Brazil, Indonesia, and many more states resulting in the deaths of well over a million people.
The US installed the Ba’ath Party and to remove them from power they killed hundreds of

I’m very conflicted on Lucid. I love the idea of 400+mi of range in a high-performance non-tesla sedan, and the car is beautiful. However, they sold a majority share to the Saudi Government, and quite frankly I do not wish to give money to people who kill opposition journalists and oppress women, not to mention their

Good advice but keep in mind this was written by a person who works for Jim Spanfeller.

It’s narrower than the CP4 is, for reference. If you find the MT-09 wide, the MT-10 will make you feel like you’re doing the splits.