
Doesn’t the lack of pants make shin guards a bit ineffectual? Like, why don’t they just shoot her in the upper leg and take her out?

This woman is the exact embodiment of most of my nightmares since about 8th grade.

This woman just kept A LOT of women who were insecure about their bodies from setting foot in a gym. She has been valued for her looks for so long, she probably has no idea that she made real someone’s worst nightmare. Exercising in public when you have body image issues is hard enough. Thanks for making it so much

What a horrible person. I hope that the woman whose picture was taken is doing okay. :( Such a foul fucking human, man.

Yep, being on the end of sexual harassment basically gives you two choices: 1) put up with the treatment and remain in your position at the organization, or 2) find a job elsewhere. There is no win; there’s only to figure out which of the shitty options you didn’t ask for you are going to take.

After working for a guy who sexually harassed employees, this is the detail that makes me believe he’s a sexual harasser.

Part of being a feminist is fighting for the rights of women who don’t fight for our rights, too. It sucks, because she is a shitty person in a number of ways, but what she is doing right now will help women, and as feminists we can simultaneously criticize the harm she has done, and support her winning this case. By

I think he might've been joking?

Honorable mention in the badass ladies stakes must go to the Littlest Mormont, for the epic bitchface she threw Ramsay.

Off topic - but if you haven’t listened to this week’s Savage Love podcast please do. Dan Savage’s opening monologue was extremely touching and on point why the shootings in Orlando are so utterly devastating for the LGBT+ community. I cried. Dan Savage is a class act.

oh my god, this is FREAKISHLY SIMILAR to a comedy sketch on Mr Show back in the day

“Really don’t need your political opinion on guns bud.”- But let me give you my opinion... /facepalm

If only we had more awareness about guns in America

My grandmother was a Navy WAVE during WWII. She spent every Memorial Day putting flags on the gravestones of other WAVES in the area because other veteran organizations sometimes “forgot.”

It took me literally 30 seconds of staring at this to figure out that was Jesus’ arm getting the needle. I couldn’t figure out where his other arm had gone!

I also like the candle. Which Yankee Candle scent goes best with this scene?

Oh like you’ve never shot heroin while Jesus gave you a little thrust and rub against the backside of your jeans.

Jesus take the wheel drugs!

1. because!