
This seasons has had it’s ups and downs but I enjoyed this episode. It sets up the story nicely for the final season. My one minor complaint is that the Ayra trial twist needed more build-up. The last season before this with Ayra and Sansa gave no intention that was where their plot was going.

This will only confuse people. If DC thinks the Extended Universe brand has become poisoned, just kill it off. Don’t add unconnected movies that will only clash with the DCEU.

Oh I’m sorry. Now I can see this is just a harmless gif with nothing racy about it. :P

Whoah. Whoah. Keep your fetishes to your self man!

At first I thought my claim process failed. Then I refreshed the page. It asked me to login in again and it worked.

It seems the Kinjapocalypse has been delayed. Mabye this is a sign not to change the site?

It seems the Kinjapocalypse has been delayed. Mabye this is a sign not to change the site?

It's nice that you'll carry over our accounts, but Kinja's lack of threading and avatars is the reason why everyone hates it. If you aren't willing to deal with those two issues the AV Club will suffer.

Great episode. Some of the logistics surrounding the armies don't add up, but that battle at the end was so fvcking awesome!

Mabye the humans drew those ones?

Well in the real world the UK abolished slavery while still importing most of its cotton from slave states in the United States. Hypocrisy is common in international relationships.

I gotta say I'm liking the series. A vast improvement over the movie. They've captured the tone of the books perfectly.

Let me guess, the dude is a werewolf or something.

Yes it was a mistake for Tim Kaine for acting like Donald Trump. He should've know better then to be a bully.

Gaben is incapable of counting to 3 it seems. Vale has never released a third game in any of their series.

It looks interesting. Will see if this actually rises above the level of cliché indie tropes.

All were asking is that there be one good video game film someday. Is that too much to ask?

God Damn Feminazis!!!! First they took our games! Now they're taking our shows! /sarcasm

All around it was a GREAT episode! I was surprised at how much I enjoyed Cersi's story. It was a shame the wall did not fall down though. The episode was called the Winds of Winter for pete sake!