
I was mad that Hodor died, yet did not cry. Can people like me stay?

Bran sure has talent in getting his companions killed. I'd be careful if I was Meera…

Man, the Children fucked up with their whole White Walker plan. Here's hoping we get to know more on how the Walkers went rouge and caused the long Winters.

That remains the only time I have ever cried because of a fiction TV-show.

That would be a dick move and conform the writers are nothing but trolls. Soooo yes, that could happen. We did after all suffer 2 seasons of Ramsay-Miranda torture porn.

Okay we all saw it coming. Still the Jon Snow Resurrection scene made me squeal like a pig. I'm glad he's back.

He's referring to a South Park episode where James Cameron goes on a deep sea diving expedition to find and 'raise the bar' to improve societies low standards. It's a pun.

The gem inside her necklace was changing colour when she changed. I believe that scene is supposed to represent her dissolution with her faith and a descent into Atheism.

It looks corny as hell.

*Speakes in Ann Coulter Voice*

We're gonna need a bigger mouse trap…

The question is why would someone who claims to be this hardcore Christian Conservative, have been a fan of rock music in the first place? The entire political identity of Ted Cruz comes of to me as a well-planned act.

When I first watched Flash Gordon and the Lizard Men showed up… well I lost it. I just couldn't stop laughing.

There have actually been Youtubers who've received copyright claims based on common audio sounds such as explosions, waterfalls, and whatnot.

Well I'm not sure if to pity or praise the two who walked out. I mean they did choose to see this movie in the first place!

You remembered their names? I've tried to make myself forget everything about that 'film' ever since I had the misfortune of watching it.

It looks silly but amusing. Hopefully it turns out as well as the last New Zealander horror-comedy I've saw: What We Do In The Shadows. Now that was a great film!

God help us all if that happens. The Walmart near my house always has a backup at the front-end. Even with the fast-service cashiers (12 items or less)!

Your typical school year sounds similar to how it's structured in Ontario.