Peter and Company

I’ve always liked to think that this guy is just a manufactured villain, akin to Andy Kaufman’s Tony Clifton. Somewhere there is a German comedian/amateur filmmaker who is laughing it up with his drinking buddies at all the people who hate “Good ol’ Uwe” on the internet.

Am I crazy for actually wanting to see a digital recreation of this in Pinball Arcade? I wonder if we can petition FarSight Studios to make it happen, hehe.

I went with a different Nicktoon.

I cannot WAIT to pick this up when it’s released, but the reveal is bittersweet with the knowledge that the Goonies Pirate Ship had to die in order for this to live. The prospect of an official LEGO-sanctioned Goonies set was right up there with the DeLorean and Ghostbusters sets in terms of my childhood hopes and

Now I’m imagining a Mario Sunshine-style minigame where you have to clean up one of the arenas after a match.

Can’t wait for FIFA 2022. It’ll just be an HD remake of the Moses level from the NES Bible Adventures.

I still find it sad that Zen Pinball on the PS4 is one of the only games on the system to support a stereoscopic 3D mode. It’s so weird how the PS3 was full of games offering support for the tech, but the PS4 has turned away.

Any game developer who forces a banned player to release a public YouTube video doing the Truffle Shuffle gets an A+ in my book.

If the curtain rises on the finals and unveils the final round with the all-new Super Mario Galaxy 3, my inner child’s head will explode.

Everyone kept saying Nintendo needed a new IP, joking that they were fresh out of ideas. Then Reggie drop-kicks Splatoon at their heads and is all like, THINK FAST!!

Man, Mike, I dunno about you, but ever since the first moment I was able to afford my own ice cream I have kept at LEAST half my freezer stocked with a mix of Klondike bars and pints of Ben & Jerry’s Chubby Hubby. This has been going for the greater part of 15 years now.

Puns? You’re just dragon your feet now, aren’t you?

“Hello, work? Just letting you know I’m feeling sick and will be taking the 14th - 16th off. No, not tomorrow. June 14.

I wasn’t quite sold on Splatoon’s value before tonight, but after playing the demo, both my wife and I are completely hooked.

Yup, and I still have my copy as well, including the Player’s Guide with scratch-n-sniff cards in the back. It’s one of the few items in my game collection I will never be able to part with.

Physical copies will always appeal to collectors, regardless of digital availability. Cartridges of Earthbound (particularly with the player’s guide) still go for good amounts, despite the game being easily obtainable for $10 on the Wii U.

Counterpoint: A game is not truly a good game unless you get pissed off at it at least once.

Two words: