Out of curiosity, how about the Wii U version of the game? Will it be getting any DLC treatments?
My network stability flickers like a narcoleptic pixie. This is not good news.
As well they should be. All they have to do right now is just keep quiet and let Microsoft bury themselves deeper and deeper. The fact that they can win this console war before it begins without even doing anything is both sad and hilarious.
THANK YOU for pointing this out. Every single freaking person who tries to say "what's the big deal about always online? Everyone has internet access nowadays" needs to read this post.
This E3 is already shaping up to be one mind-blowing week, I tell you what.
Actually, I liked FF7 better than 8, but it's hardly the "greatest game evar!!!" Not even the greatest FF ever (my favorite is still 9). 7 is honestly pretty tedious and I've never managed to get all the way through it.
Actually, I was hoping that by now you would have caught on that I honestly just don't care. If you're honestly hoping that I'll type up a long-winded explanation describing why I dislike a game that you apparently have a raging nerd-boner over, I'm afraid you'll be sorely disappointed.
She was kind of a hybrid character, more than an extra one. She didn't carry her own slot on the selection screen, and it was far too difficult to pull off the transformation sometimes (making it require the Super Smash Ball was a mistake in my opinion). It also basically killed the effectiveness of the Super Smash if…
Huh, weird. Was it just a graphics thing or a functional/balance thing?
Take that blubbering wall of text you just foamed out at me, and compare it to the following:
That's funny. I started a battle in FF8 and it still hasn't ended because my characters forgot to equip the ability to swing a damn weapon.
I remember that article, and the interview. "If you want a sequel, buy more copies!" So we're supposed to buy multiple copies each just to convince Square-Enix that they should pay attention to the series again? The DS version sold almost a million units on its own, which is a LOT for an SNES port on a handheld.
Yeah. They gave us "Zero Suit Samus," which is just like adding Zelda to Sheik. Not really an extra character in the slightest.
So... it's like an Exo-Squad multiplayer shooter? Not bad. Hope the 360 version is comparable at least.