Jonathan Parent

It may sounds like you need to be royalty to have a scribe but it's what anti-technology doctors call the lackeys that follow them around and type their notes up in real-time.

For example, I went to UMass. Here is a page from disability services. They specifically list alternate test accommodations for medical issues:

I would go to your dean of students or counseling services and attempt to get an exemption officially noted. Who knows, they may let you type from now on or hire you a scribe!

RASPBERRY! Only one man would dare give me the raspberry!

Two requests:

How many kids do you have?

~2... until it gets wet!

Looks like a decoy passport. Or a passport from the most boring country in the world.

I can't walk into a supermarket without spending $40-50 easy. I call bullshit, unfortunately.

Don't sacrifice happiness, either. But take a look at your expenses first:

I think a lot of people spend their money frivolously and that it is good to periodically sit down, write out a budget (even if you have no intention of sticking to it) to visualize where the money should go. Then import a years' worth of transactions into Mint and visualize where the money actually goes. If they

I totally agree:

Because when they found the asteroid in Africa, it still had the COA attached.

A lot of Dolphins fans in Ray Finkle's hometown. Just sayin'.

Joe Cross!

Use a toaster.

I will now ask it where the remaining Wonka golden tickets are hidden...

I got one unexpectedly for Christmas in high school. I didn't know what it was, but it was pretty cool and a good stopgap between tape and MP3 players.

Shooting gasoline or jet fuel to light it.