Jonathan Parent

I didn't feel like I hit the next level of spreadsheet guru until I discovered concatenate. I love concatenate. I also love text to columns and =left, =right, and =mid. I use Excel for writing robocopy batch files and keeping my sanity.

Not master....but I could make graphs, navigate the menu, install the application, use basic formulas. I would pretend I had my own business and would create fake invoices, etc.

I was born in 1981 and well versed in 123 by 1987. I tried very hard not to switch to Excel but that happened at Office 95. I remember they left the "/" menu in Excel for people transitioning products. I wonder if they still have it.


This is news?

I'm with you... I live in MA and have never seen blocks of ice in Hannfords, Big Y, Stop and Shop, Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, etc.

This is kind of extreme...

Two words... downgrade rights.

I have wall eyes (one eye will be straight, one eye will go out, and vice versa) and I suck at depth perception. It was a real challenge when learning to drive. I had to trust my instincts when it came to parking distances and I still have trouble. I will park about 5 feet away from the curb or wall in front of me.

This isn't the 1950's anymore. I just flew to FL. It's a cattle car.

Hold your breath.

I don't believe in tipping. I believe in over-tipping!

He should give them to me.


Just remember who has the gun.

I agree. This article is too fricken confusing.

Is the Colonel's underwear a matter of national security?

Silence, Earthling! My name is Darth Vader!

I've spent 6 days of my life in the hospital due to extreme vertigo. Staying still, cool temp, and valium all work.

I can't stop watching.