Jonathan Parent

When we go to the movies, I like to part kind of far away from the entrance to ensure a quick getaway. However, long lines aren't really an issue at the cinemas near me anymore. I guess it's just habit. When I was 17-18, going to the movies was a real treat, and they were always jammed.

I do not like this design. Doesn't seem very helpful.

Finally, get to relive the magic:

Best advice I've read thus far!

Just noticed. Looks like they are integrating some of the drug servers into their data center.

Andy... I wasn't trying to correct you or be sarcastic. I thought there may still be countries out there that use paper bills for currency denominations less than a dollar (due to the high cost of actually minting coins). But it turns out that really doesn't seem to be the case anymore, anywhere in the world.

The article describes how we "use to" clean our house. Then we actually spent a few days deep cleaning, organizing, and finding places for everything. Reading about throwing everything in laundry baskets is funny because that was my preferred method. We kept finding laundry baskets full of a mix of clothing and the

Sometimes toddlers like to dig in before letting it cool. And sometimes THEY ARE HUNGRY NOW!

You're right, I don't believe you.

About 20,000 pictures, or about 80GB. I spent $120/yr for Mozy and it's the only thing getting backed up. We don't bother sorting them besides for date.

Speaking of licensing, I just learned that you can downgrade Server 2012 Standard to 2008 Enterprise. Also, one Server 2012 license includes two VM allowances (or, if you downgrade, two VM allowances for Server 2008). Not really on topic but close enough.

Pretty cool! I miss DOS.

Since pennies are literally not worth printing? You may have meant minting. Or maybe you live in a country that has no coins.

I have 4 thermal solar panels on my house to pre-heat hot water and for radiant heating. On a sunny day in 20'F weather, my house can get to 70'F and my water heats up to 125'F.




I hate it and not because it's different. It has GPS, which I use. But traffic reporting has been spotty where I never had issues knowing if a route home was backed up. I guess I would have preferred a choice about having to ditch Google Maps.

As a fellow Masshole, my first reaction is "some d-bag took his resident spot".