Jonathan Michaels

Agreed completely. But, like several others have commented, them yutes being hired at Taco Bell will soon lose the institutional knowledge of what a Double Decker taco was made of (at least until you educate them). This reminds me of a Starbucks menu item I used to love - the Caramel Affogato Frappucino. Its a coffee

Nachos, bean burritos, side orders, tostadas, burrito supremes...

If I were a Hollywood producer with money & rep to burn, I’d greenlight Watchmen Babies just to give Alan Moore the conniption of a lifetime.

Also in a huge bit of irony Moore’s original pitch for Watchmen was using existing characters DC had recently purchased from the defunct Charlton Comics. DC liked the story but wouldn’t let him use the characters so Moore went off and created new ones. DC’s rationale was that they thought Moore’s story was too extreme

Alan Moore created Watchmen as a work for hire for DC Comics and he can read and understand contracts. (It’s also made him rich enough that he and his beard can do whatever they want for the rest of their lives, including no longer create comics, which he recently announced was his new career direction.)

Nearly all of

Exactly--and Avatar made about $40 million in its second run, just like Endgame has. Avatar’s worldwide total during its initial run was $2,749,064,328; its total haul after the re-release was $2,789,700,000.

...overtake the $2.7897 million box office record...

Are “2 Hot Dogs w/ 1 Fries” a sandwich too? And Philly Cheese Chicken? I’m guessing Chicken Tenders is like a fried chicken sandwich but with chicken tenders, but that’s not at all clear from the menu. This menu is garbage and I don’t think you want to submit it as evidence.

If you want to be SUUUUUUPER pedantic, which is what Team Sandwich is all about, they’re all variants on the Chinese bao, which predates the sandwich by 1400 years or so.

Guacamole is fruit salad.

True. And by that definition a hot dog is a sandwich.

Guacamole is fruit salad.

Jennifer Lawrence finally does what she always wanted to do: turns to the camera and snarls “You know what? I have a fucking academy award. I started this franchise after Winter’s Bone. Winter’s fucking bone! That was even before Hunger Games and I made 4 of those. And I have an Academy award! I get paid solid money


You understand that the most popular streaming content around are fucking Friends episodes, right?

If the rules aren’t written, they aren’t rules.

You’re at a tournament, losing your mind because your opponent dared to... play to win?

“Yeah hi I wanted to watch Bob’s Burgers?”

Hot takes, getcher hot takes here! They’re grown on the slopes of Mount Nicaragua and contain no artificial sweeteners!