Jonathan Michaels

The new Jay and Silent Bob reboot needs to be two hours of them beating the shit out of toxic internet fucks.

They’re now looking at $440 million a year between Raw and SD.

What the hell happened this season? Last thing I remember was all the kids except Lily graduating and Phil getting a magic store.

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

“The shitters are getting bolder” is a phrase I never thought would pass through my mind, yet here we are.

Because anybody with half a brain knows that story is bullshit.

Lady Sif?  Dead.

I mean...Jen is a better character than EVERYONE, so that hardly seems a fair standard, haha!

Though that might depend on if Coulson survives the end of the SHIELD season. Whether by his own dying body or him being one of the half that vanishes... it is possible he dies, too...

No mention of F. F. Woodycooks and The Crime Stick?

When I saw some of the stills posted to Twitter this morning, I thought “huh that is an interesting duo to photoshop together” but....

Tremors? Tremors. TREMORS!

Walk Hard is a good movie from beginning to end.


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Although it’s not my favourite ever, the opening to Superman Returns is - like the movie itself - highly underrated. Big, sweeping, full of the wonder and scope of the universe, condenses the destruction of Krypton into a concise sixty seconds, classic John Williams score. Marvellous.

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The Casino Royale opening marks the beginning of a new James Bond era with gorgeous animation and a great song by Chris Cornell.

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No love? Laughed so hard at this when I saw it in the movies.

Never. His cousin needs to show up soon...

Let’s all make a promise that when/if we become famous, we will all be Kevin Smith Famous.