Jonathan Michaels

Agreed. Crystal Skull had many issues, but I enjoyed it more than Temple of Doom. I thought Doom was just unpleasant for the most part. 

Fixed that ranking for you.

You are sentient dog excrement.

What a shit ass thing to say


No mention of David Harbour in Violent Night? Love it or hate it, he was the best Santa in my opinion. I'm guessing you all didn't watch it, because he was perfect.

Doing the sketch where he revealed that he invented Chris Gaines as an elaborate ploy to win over Mango on the episode where Chris Gaines was the musical guest was quite clever

I immediately clicked on the slide list to see which side of the Oscar debate you fell on. Sadly for you, it’s the WRONG side.


Okay let's not act like the Eddie Murphy film is good.  Its pretty lame, there's a reason Pirates of the Caribbean is the only successful Disney Ride film.  Pity, I think Haunted Mansion is the best Disney Ride regardless of park, I wish it would get a good film.  Well I'm young enough to probably last another 20 to

I mean you lost me by putting Beefaroni at number 9 but you made me physically recoil from my screen by ranking Pasta in Butter sauce at number 2.

Hell yeah, that movie is an all-timer. I really liked Pop Star, but for fake music documentaries/biopics (yeah they’re different genres, but I’m lumping them together) Walk Hard reigns supreme.

Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story is sorely missing from this list.

Walk Hard doesn’t make this list?  Wrong list maker died.

I’ve watched the daylights out of Tron:Legacy.  May not be an earth shattering movie but it’s a great stylish movie to waste some time into.

Friend of mine worked on JACK REACHER. He’s worked on a number of AAA projects.

Tom Cruise learns EVERYONE’S name on set. Tom Cruise treats EVERYONE like a human being on set.

It goes a long way.

Didn’t he actually call Kendall “son” in the episode where Logan died?  I’m not positive on that, but I seem to remember some weird moment like that that I chalked up to grief.

I really liked the episode. Ahmed Best, new armor for Grogu, even saving the three baby pterodactyls.. this show has heart.

This is exactly how the Premiere League works. Everyone plays everyone else twice. Wins are worth three points. If you’re down by two points in the standings on the last game of the season and you’re playing the team ahead of you and you beat them, you leapfrog them by one point. What part of this doesn’t add up for