Jonathan Michaels

Fool Us and Whose Line are likely safe as houses, they cost almost nothing and have made enough episodes to make additional ones more valuable for whichever service picked up repeat rights.

They aired Taskmaster as is and pulled it after a week, the port was on ComedyCentral and didn’t make it past first season.

Let us not forget The Change Up, which cast Jason Bateman and Ryan Reynolds as the swappers, which remains a supremely odd choice since both actors have basically the same comedic style, wry, sarcastic and quippy.

Mocking the identities, pronouns, and genders of others is exactly what I would expect from the people around here who aren’t remotely as pure and innocent as I am.

RIP Fred Sassy, I guess :(


I don’t know when the narrative on Clerks 2 changed, it was very well received when it came out, then at one point it got lumped in with the actually bad ones.

Not to mention Acquisitions Incorporated, which has now become actual D&D canon.

No, they are replacing Keaton in Aquaman because he has to be introduced in The Flash first, he will still be in The Flash, but with out Flash to establish Keaton, his showing up in Aquaman would make zero sense.

Word was that Michael Keaton had shot a couple of scenes for the film, but once The Flash got delayed until after Aquaman 2 (Flash was gonna be before Aquaman 2 AND Shazam 2) logical guess is Affleck is shooting new scenes to replace Keaton’s, since his Batman hasn’t been introduced in this continuity yet.

But are they worse than their sad attempt at a chicken sandwich?

Clearly you’ve never read the comics, Jen has been the superior Hulk for years, if not decades.

I’m still Team Henry Golding.

Phase 2 ended with Ant-Man and Phase 3 ended with Far From Home, though.

Two things can be true.

I think Lazenby, he was a car salesman, among other things, before he became an actor.

Whatever issues I had with Crystal Skull, there was one thought that has followed me for the last fourteen years, and I still agree with it to this day.

There are certain properties I agree shouldn’t be touched, but I absolutely don’t care if they recast Indiana Jones, as long as they make an entertaining film.

I’ve read it three times and I still can’t figure it out.

More like a character hoping to get Thor out of his hair for a while.