Jonathan Michaels

In 1994, Tim Allen had the #1 movie, #1 show and #1 book in the same week (The Santa Clause, Home Improvement and Don’t Stand Too Close To A Naked Man, respectively.)

This is gonna make a fucking FORTUNE.

One can be spiritual without being religious.

More to the point, how she managed to beat Bill fucking Clinton.

Come on, he’s definitely funnier than Gamora for a start.

Historically, Bill Cosby does not really give anyone a choice in the matter.

Also, The Circle?

Knight and Day is fun as hell and I won’t tolerate this slander.

I will always crave the Hardee’s Country Fried Steak biscuit above all else, but I do have love for that bagel.

There’s a McDonalds near me that has, in their system, a Bacon Biscuit, just bacon on a biscuit , for a dollar.

Gordon will generally only lend his actual name to quality products, Hell’s Kitchen stuff tends to be the cheap crap.

I figured it would have just been brushed off as time travel shenanigans.

Plain hot dog gang represent.

One had to appreciate the sheer balls of Mars Attacks! to kill Michael J Fox first (Yes, I know Jack Black was first, but he wasn’t Jack Black yet.)

Are people actually going to an all you can eat place with the express purpose of making the restaurant lose money on them?

The dude practically blackmailed Fox into putting a science program on prime time, so he will always get credit for that.

They have several Trek people working on it as well, and it is absolutely better Trek than Discovery.

You are correct, he did one of those autocomplete interviews this week and said he’s been hands off of FG since 2011 when he made Ted.

I know it probably won’t ever happen, but Brennan Lee Mulligan would be next level fantastic as a contestant on Taskmaster.

Bhullar has already proven to be an absolute delight as Certainty Dran, Omin’s daughter, in Acquisitions Incorporated.