Jonathan Holland Becnel

It’s not an apples to apples comparison and you know it. Zeke Elliott is, at the very least, a pretty good football player. He’s a shitty human, but an NFL team also has a pretty big incentive to keep him around because of what he can do with the ball in his hands.

Don’t worry Big Ben who assaulted two women got his suspension reduced from 6 to 4 games.

The BDSM community has covered this extensively in books, articles, etc. that are far more comprehensive and elucidated than this article. If you really want to know the details of how this works in a safe and enthusiastically consensual way for people (as opposed to just displaying how triggered your are), Google is

You are really desperate for some type of “win” in your life aren’t you?

Re-read my original post. At no point did I state that you are a conservative. I realize you were probably anxiously waiting to make that point and that is fine. We all have our hobbies. That doesn’t make your response any more correct.

Hi Douche. Good to see you’re back around to making up things no one ever said. “LOL” indeed ;)

I like how you responded with the idea that I’m Conservative. I’m not.

you know, it’s possible to support BLM and think Hillary herself is the reason she lost. I know, I know... hardcore Liberals have adopted this “if you disagree with me on one subject, then you disagree with me on ALL subjects” belief system, but the rest of us are mature enough to not constantly make lazy arguments

Yes, it’s petty. Yes, it goes against the essence of what amateur, college athletics is about. And, yes, as a native Louisianian, I would be totally pissed if the powers that be had handled it any OTHER way. Let’s face it. . . .football on this level has ZERO to do with amateurism. This is a multi-billion dollar

The damage caused by Roger Ailes is truly breathtaking in its impact and scope. Professionally, he was a proto-Rove Richard Nixon accomplice and enabler who went on to found the most powerful and pervasive propaganda network in modern history, which was profoundly responsible for training millions to disregard

I actually think the police should not be allowed to discharge their firearms unless they’ve already been fired upon (or in certain cases such as where a clear threat to civilians has been made and attempts to de-escalate have failed, et cetera).

Jesus. Even him just standing there in the middle of the tunnel walkway so that everyone has to notice him is straight douchey. Someone send this dude’s coordinates to ISIS.

I don’t really know, but, I mean. It really was a big win