I really feel that if you’re gonna half ass your evidence, half ass it all the way. Right?
I really feel that if you’re gonna half ass your evidence, half ass it all the way. Right?
The fact that you circled back around with the 3rd pic was the clincher for me.
You may have ruled out Jimmy John, but what about Papa John? Can he account for his whereabouts or the shark intestines dripping off his crotch?
Judge Currie M. Mingledorf
For context of how shocking the 44/47 arrest figure is, Banks County is 93% white.
Hey look how funny and normal Silicon Valley is!! They are like so totally cool and hip censoring and selling our information. The liberal hypocrisy is too real.
Hahaha! Look how funny and normal he is! You could almost forget him secretly funding Trump support and far right efforts online! Because, he likes video games!
I remember campaigning for Obama in 2008. I was selected to give a speech to introduce him at a rally, after which, he thanked me by name on television. After his rally, I met him backstage and had photos taken.
If I were to make a list of people who should be held to the very highest standards of professional conduct, first…
As the central institutions of the Roman Empire in the west crumbled and the provinces splintered off and went their…
There is an official beer of the NFL and every NFL team. Fuck this guy.
I also enjoy the idea that one can “debate” with an Ann Coulter or a Richard Spencer.
Options kind of leave Malcolm in the middle.
Women have a built in hiding spot, according to my wife...
I’ll flat out tell you that hiding your weed from the TSA is 100% horseshit.
Pre-filled vape cartridges, attached to a battery. Literally just flew yesterday and never gave it a second thought. Neither did any TSA agent.
Come to Oregon, where you can buy it in a store, and be treated like an adult.
Maybe Patrick can show us how to “keister” it?
Man that is just like my engagement story. I was putting away some groceries while my husband was doing the dishes and he said “Let’s get married” and I said “Sure”.