Jonas Planck

If I recall, this was the first film to ever make me shit a brick.

There's an echo in here. Can I quote you on that? Yes, I can? Good, I'm glad to hear it.

Feel free. I'm not dropping anything good near your sticky fingers.

At what point did I say any of those things? Oh that's right, I didn't, but you can't argue with what I DID say, can you? Call me a "fucking pussy" all you want, your schoolyard bully tactics are what defines your character. Live it, love it, revel in your wretchedness. But I suppose I should thank you for some rather

Meaningless, and ultimately pointless. Discuss this with your supervisors. It's out of my hands now, turfer.

Yep, he tapped out. Damn, that sucks. You were a total disappoinment, Ham. Next time I see you, you better have some damn game instead of just lies and childish stupidity. Just like that other guy named Rove we all know, all words and no substance. Liars of a feather.

Stay classy, troll-bait.

I see your store of insults is exhausted. Maybe you can look up some more on the internet. Be sure to give credit to the original authors, though. We wouldn't want you be a hypocrite, now would we?

So are you deliberately twisting everything I say into a straw man argument because you can't debate what I'm ACTUALLY saying, or are you just unable to understand words?

And now you're just repeating things that I say to YOU. Did you have to practice to become so inept, or does your ineptitude come naturally?

Your "translation" is entirely off the mark. You missed the point spectacularly. But then again, you aren't a creator, so I wouldn't expect you to understand. Enjoy your straw man arguments, you obviously need them to rationalize your misplaced hatred, but don't pretend to be on the side of the creatives… you

And that's your idea of a well thought out, balanced argument relying on articulate reason and logic.

Is that your attempt to become appealing? That's all the charisma you could muster? Wow, you suck at this.

Ad hominem? That was constructive criticism, buddy-bot! I'm not going to sit here and pretend you're doing your job well when you CLEARLY aren't! You should be thankful that there's actually someone honest enough to give you an impartial evaluation, not getting all upset and taking it personally. You'll never get

Yeah, I'm a pirate, and a pixel smuggler, and a damn good one. I've stolen and re-purposed more material than you could possibly imagine, and when it came out the other end of the pipeline, no recognizer algorithm on earth could nail it. What I take becomes raw material, ingredients for new property, value created,

Interestingly, Microsoft only drew the line there after public backlash when consumers found out that they were planning to use their ubiquitous Kinect hookups to monitor the number of people in their living rooms, watching the copyrighted material, and then bill their credit cards accordingly. Apparently, people on

God job alienating your target demographic, there! That's SURE to win them over to your point of view!

Too late, my copyrighted words have been downloaded into your browser cache. You're a thief, pure and simple, BY YOUR OWN DEFINITION. …In addition to being a particularly inept PR plant who can't seem to do anything but damage the concept he's trying to sell. Have you considered another line of work? Something you'd

I've got a job, but you STILL REFUSE TO PAY ME FOR MY WORK! I guess I'll just have to double down and hope someday you'll start to practice what you preach. But I won't hold my breath.