Jonas Planck

I'm just going to start answering EVERY question like that…

Well, that's one way to solve the "problem" of police getting caught executing unarmed suspects in the street without trial. I feel safer already.

"We were five miles east of the Dread Dark Dimension of Dormammu when the drugs began to take hold…"

Massive improvement, IMHO.

hello, yes.

The scariest part of It Follows was Detroit, and the horrible realization that people live in it.

The thing about the unfortunately named "torture porn" genre as a product of the times was that it deliberately blurred the line between monster and victim… in the end, the protagonists will become as bad as the villains in order to survive, so there is a sort of sense that they deserved it all, they had it coming.

…But then there's that scene in Phantom Menace where one of them successfully hits the engine of a podracer travelling at full speed using a sniper rifle from atop a cliff thousands of yards away.
…I guess the Force was just REALLY strong with that one guy. And it's not P.C. to call them "sand people," they're Tuskens

At the time, all the intel suggested that Alderaan was a state sponsor of terrorism, and they may have been working on a Death Star of their own! A Death Star equipped Alderaan would be a threat to ALL the planets in the galactic empire… They just aren't rational players on the galactic stage. They had already



"video does not exist."

My life in a nutshell.

Which raises the inevitable question: "Will his uncorrupted eye see through the charms of doctors and their wives? Tune in next week to find out!"

I live to make mockery of outrage, and it's an OUTRAGE, I tell ya! It's a violation of the Paparazzi Bill of Rights!

Also, note to Kirk: Every time you tell a lie, your eyes dart to the right and go out of focus for a moment. It's really obvious and bad. You should work on that.

"this video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Living Waters Productions."

I have to question the validity of any "terror" group that uses the splash graphics for a tower defense Iphone game as the symbol of their movement. This unrelenting attack on the imperialist Western Satan is also available on Android.

Killing people with scissors is "original?"
Somebody never played the Clock Tower games…

That's what a lot of Christians in the future think, too. The Ice Mines on Kepler 10c supply fresh water to hundreds of outlying colonies. It turns out to be a really useful planet, even though it's uninhabitable to biologicals.